What are the responsibilities and job description for the Director of Southwest Community Services position at State of Missouri?
Job Location: This position will be located at Southwest Community Services 2041 A/B E. Hunter St. Nevada, MO 64772.
Why You’ll Love This Position
The Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD), is seeking a Director for Southwest CommunityServices (SWCS) Comprehensive Home and Community Based WaiverProgram.The position will be responsible for the operation of this program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Dutiesand Responsibilities
This is a high level administrative/management position which reports to the Director of State Operated DD Programs and requires:knowledge of best practices of delivering services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; knowledge of Missouri Home and Community Based Waiver regulations; Federal,StateandDMHregulations;knowledgeofOlmsteadandtheDivision of DD transition process; knowledge of sound fiscal management and fiscal monitoring systems; knowledge of requirements and procedures to operate a 24-hour facility; organizational and programmatic management experience, including development and revision of policies and procedures; supervising physicians, nurses, behavior analysts and other clinical leads; and development/oversight of employee training, administering employee discipline and conducting engage professional development meetings.
Theposition Isresponsible For
Bachelor’sDegreeandfouryearsofprofessionalrelevantexperienceinmentalhealth,education,social services, public administration, or a closely related area.
Knowledge,Skills& Abilities
Thepositionrequires effectiveleadershipskills; excellent verbalandwrittencommunicationskills;abilityto manage complex projects; ability to work closely with peers, individuals, families, and other stakeholders; ability to problem solve complex issues; skill in the analysis and interpretation of information and data to evaluateperformanceandinformbusinessdecisions;andabilitytopresentinformationinaclearandconcise matter.
Lack of post‐secondary education will not be used as the sole basis denying consideration to any applicant.
The State of Missouri offers an excellent benefits package that includes a defined pension plan, generous amounts of leave and holiday time, and eligibility for health insurance coverage. Your total compensation is more than the dollars you receive in your paycheck. To help demonstrate the value of working for the State of Missouri, we have created an interactive Total Compensation Calculator. This tool provides a comprehensive view of benefits and more that are offered to prospective employees. The Total Compensation Calculator and other applicant resources can be found here .
If you have questions about this position, please contact: hrmail@dmh.mo.gov
Why You’ll Love This Position
The Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD), is seeking a Director for Southwest CommunityServices (SWCS) Comprehensive Home and Community Based WaiverProgram.The position will be responsible for the operation of this program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Dutiesand Responsibilities
This is a high level administrative/management position which reports to the Director of State Operated DD Programs and requires:knowledge of best practices of delivering services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; knowledge of Missouri Home and Community Based Waiver regulations; Federal,StateandDMHregulations;knowledgeofOlmsteadandtheDivision of DD transition process; knowledge of sound fiscal management and fiscal monitoring systems; knowledge of requirements and procedures to operate a 24-hour facility; organizational and programmatic management experience, including development and revision of policies and procedures; supervising physicians, nurses, behavior analysts and other clinical leads; and development/oversight of employee training, administering employee discipline and conducting engage professional development meetings.
Theposition Isresponsible For
- ManagementandoversightofSWCSthatprovides24-hourresidential,behavioral,employment,and community integration supports to approximately 40 individuals.
- Leadership of professional clinicians, support staff, and direct care staff in the provision of all aspects of residential and habilitative services.
- Developing and operating a crisis unit to provide temporary services for individuals with behavioral needs.
- Administering budget allocations for SWCS .
- Providing general direction to the Human Resource department, ensuring legal compliance and fair implementation of the department’s policies and procedures.
- Maintaining appropriate staffing ratios.
- Ensuring that all qualitative standards and regulatory compliance requirements are met.
- Ensuring the implementation of quality enhancement processes.
- Ensuring a living environment that is safe and well maintained.
- AssessingtheconsequencesofsignificantproblemsandidentifyingtotheDirectorofStateOperated Programs, along with proposed solutions, regarding operations or personnel matters.
- Taking appropriate action according to regulations regarding allegations of abuse and neglect.
- Working cooperatively with Regional Offices, as well as case management entities; maintaining an effective working relationship with legislators, community leaders, and other state agencies; communicating effectively with consumers and families regarding Division and facility policies, practices, and activities; and providing leadership to improve safety and quality of services.
Bachelor’sDegreeandfouryearsofprofessionalrelevantexperienceinmentalhealth,education,social services, public administration, or a closely related area.
Knowledge,Skills& Abilities
Thepositionrequires effectiveleadershipskills; excellent verbalandwrittencommunicationskills;abilityto manage complex projects; ability to work closely with peers, individuals, families, and other stakeholders; ability to problem solve complex issues; skill in the analysis and interpretation of information and data to evaluateperformanceandinformbusinessdecisions;andabilitytopresentinformationinaclearandconcise matter.
Lack of post‐secondary education will not be used as the sole basis denying consideration to any applicant.
The State of Missouri offers an excellent benefits package that includes a defined pension plan, generous amounts of leave and holiday time, and eligibility for health insurance coverage. Your total compensation is more than the dollars you receive in your paycheck. To help demonstrate the value of working for the State of Missouri, we have created an interactive Total Compensation Calculator. This tool provides a comprehensive view of benefits and more that are offered to prospective employees. The Total Compensation Calculator and other applicant resources can be found here .
If you have questions about this position, please contact: hrmail@dmh.mo.gov