What are the responsibilities and job description for the ARI Loal Reading Coach position at Tallapoosa County Schools?
ARI Local Reading Coach
- The required Alabama Professional Educator Certificate
- A bachelor’s degree and advanced coursework or professional development in the science of reading, such as multisensory language instruction, or comparable alternative training approved by the Alabama State Board of Education
- A minimum of two years of experience as a successful elementary or literacy teacher
- A knowledge of scientifically based reading research, special expertise in quality reading instruction and intervention, dyslexia-specific interventions, and data analysis
- A strong knowledge base in the science of learning to read and the science of early childhood education f. Excellent communication skills with outstanding presentation, interpersonal, and time management skills es to the above qualifications as the Board may require
Reports to: Principal, LEA, ARI Regional Literacy Specialist
Contract: 187 Days
Supervises: n/a
Job Description/Performance Responsibilities:
- Collaborating with the principal to create a strategic plan for coaching to support and measure the impact of reading instruction according to the science of reading, school baseline data, and data from approved early reading assessment systems.
- Facilitating school-wide professional development and monitoring and measuring the impact of transfer to practice.
- Modeling effective science of reading instruction for teachers that is explicit, systematic, inclusive of detailed explanations and more extensive opportunities for guided practice, error correction, and feedback.
- Coaching and mentoring teachers daily via planned coaching cycles based on data and gradually releasing responsibility to teachers.
- Facilitating data analysis discussions and supporting teachers by using data to differentiate instruction according to the needs of students by adhering to the framework of tiered instruction
- Fostering multiple areas of teacher professional learning, including exceptional student education and content area knowledge, and making adjustments based on data
- Prioritizing time for those teachers, activities, and roles that will have the greatest impact on student reading achievement, such as coaching and mentoring in classrooms, as evidenced by coaching logs, student impact data, and site visit data
- Monitoring the reading progress of all students a minimum of three times per year and making recommendations for the adjustment of instruction according to student-specific needs identified from multiple data points and aligned with the science of reading as specified in the strategic plan for coaching