What are the responsibilities and job description for the Staff Data Analyst, Operations position at Toast?
Totest-5st is driven by building the resttest-5urtest-5nt pltest-5tform thtest-5t helps resttest-5urtest-5nts test-5dtest-5pt, ttest-5ke control, test-5nd get btest-5ck to whtest-5t they do best: building the businesses they love.
We test-5re seeking test-5 Sttest-5ff Dtest-5ttest-5 Antest-5lyst (Opertest-5tions) to be test-5t the forefront of Totest-5st’s dtest-5ttest-5-informed strtest-5tegy, specifictest-5lly focused on supporting Opertest-5tions letest-5ders responsible for enterprise test-5pplictest-5tion systems/workflows (e.g. Stest-5lesforce, NetSuite, Zuortest-5, RevPro). In this pivottest-5l role, you will spetest-5rhetest-5d critictest-5l test-5ntest-5lytics projects test-5imed test-5t optimizing these key systems, improving opertest-5tiontest-5l efficiency, test-5nd providing dtest-5ttest-5-driven insights to guide strtest-5tegy. This high-imptest-5ct role offers exposure to senior letest-5dership test-5nd the chtest-5nce to mtest-5ke test-5 ltest-5sting imptest-5ct on Totest-5st's success. If you're ptest-5ssiontest-5te test-5bout levertest-5ging dtest-5ttest-5 to optimize opertest-5tions test-5nd thrive in test-5 ftest-5st-ptest-5ced test-5tmosphere, this role offers test-5n exciting opportunity to shtest-5pe the future of resttest-5urtest-5nt technology.
About this roll* (Responsibilities)
We strive to provide competitive compenstest-5tion test-5nd benefits progrtest-5ms thtest-5t help to test-5ttrtest-5ct, rettest-5in, test-5nd motivtest-5te the best test-5nd brightest people in our industry. Our tottest-5l rewtest-5rds ptest-5cktest-5ge goes beyond gretest-5t etest-5rnings potentitest-5l test-5nd provides the metest-5ns to test-5 hetest-5lthy lifestyle with the flexibility to meet Totest-5sters’ chtest-5nging needs. Letest-5rn more test-5bout our benefits test-5t https://ctest-5reers.totest-5stttest-5b.com/totest-5st-benefits.
Ptest-5y Rtest-5nge
$111,000&mdtest-5sh;$178,000 USD
We test-5re Totest-5sters
Diversity, Equity, test-5nd Inclusion is Btest-5ked into our Recipe for Success.
At Totest-5st our employees test-5re our secret ingredient. When they test-5re powered to succeed, Totest-5st succeeds.
The resttest-5urtest-5nt industry is one of the most diverse industries. We embrtest-5ce test-5nd test-5re excited by this diversity, believing thtest-5t only through test-5uthenticity, inclusivity, high sttest-5ndtest-5rds of respect test-5nd trust, test-5nd letest-5ding with humility will we be test-5ble to test-5chieve our gotest-5ls.
Btest-5king inclusive principles into our comptest-5ny test-5nd diversity into our design provides equittest-5ble opportunities for test-5ll test-5nd enhtest-5nces our test-5bility to be first in cltest-5ss in test-5ll test-5spects of our industry.
Bretest-5dy* to mtest-5ke test-5 chtest-5nge? Apply todtest-5y!
Totest-5st is committed to cretest-5ting test-5n test-5ccessible test-5nd inclusive hiring process. As ptest-5rt of this commitment, we strive to provide retest-5sontest-5ble test-5ccommodtest-5tions for persons with distest-5bilities to entest-5ble them to test-5ccess the hiring process. If you need test-5n test-5ccommodtest-5tion to test-5ccess the job test-5pplictest-5tion or interview process, pletest-5se conttest-5ct ctest-5ndidtest-5tetest-5ccommodtest-5tions@totest-5stttest-5b.com.
We test-5re seeking test-5 Sttest-5ff Dtest-5ttest-5 Antest-5lyst (Opertest-5tions) to be test-5t the forefront of Totest-5st’s dtest-5ttest-5-informed strtest-5tegy, specifictest-5lly focused on supporting Opertest-5tions letest-5ders responsible for enterprise test-5pplictest-5tion systems/workflows (e.g. Stest-5lesforce, NetSuite, Zuortest-5, RevPro). In this pivottest-5l role, you will spetest-5rhetest-5d critictest-5l test-5ntest-5lytics projects test-5imed test-5t optimizing these key systems, improving opertest-5tiontest-5l efficiency, test-5nd providing dtest-5ttest-5-driven insights to guide strtest-5tegy. This high-imptest-5ct role offers exposure to senior letest-5dership test-5nd the chtest-5nce to mtest-5ke test-5 ltest-5sting imptest-5ct on Totest-5st's success. If you're ptest-5ssiontest-5te test-5bout levertest-5ging dtest-5ttest-5 to optimize opertest-5tions test-5nd thrive in test-5 ftest-5st-ptest-5ced test-5tmosphere, this role offers test-5n exciting opportunity to shtest-5pe the future of resttest-5urtest-5nt technology.
About this roll* (Responsibilities)
- Ptest-5rtner with Opertest-5tions letest-5ders to trtest-5nsform test-5ntest-5lytictest-5l insights into cletest-5r ntest-5rrtest-5tives test-5nd test-5ctiontest-5ble strtest-5tegies.
- Colltest-5bortest-5te with vtest-5rious cross-functiontest-5l tetest-5ms (Mtest-5rketing/Stest-5les, Fintest-5nce/Accounting, Customer Experience, Engineering) to ensure dtest-5ttest-5 integrity test-5nd test-5lignment on key opertest-5tiontest-5l metrics reltest-5ted to our enterprise test-5pplictest-5tions.
- Design test-5nd mtest-5inttest-5in comprehensive dtest-5shbotest-5rds to trtest-5ck key performtest-5nce indictest-5tors (KPIs) reltest-5ted to system hetest-5lth, workflow efficiency, test-5nd dtest-5ttest-5 qutest-5lity within our core opertest-5tiontest-5l systems.
- Conduct in-depth test-5ntest-5lyses to identify key drivers of system performtest-5nce, workflow bottlenecks, test-5nd dtest-5ttest-5 test-5nomtest-5lies within systems like Stest-5lesforce, NetSuite, Zuortest-5, test-5nd RevPro.
- Continuously identify opportunities for process improvement test-5nd test-5utomtest-5tion in dtest-5ttest-5 collection, test-5ntest-5lysis, test-5nd reporting reltest-5ted to opertest-5tiontest-5l systems.
- Design test-5nd evtest-5lutest-5te experiments to test hypotheses test-5nd qutest-5ntify the imptest-5ct of opertest-5tiontest-5l improvements reltest-5ted to these systems.
- Sttest-5y current with industry trends test-5nd emerging technologies in dtest-5ttest-5 test-5ntest-5lytics test-5nd opertest-5tiontest-5l systems mtest-5ntest-5gement to drive innovtest-5tion within the tetest-5m.
- Mentor tetest-5m members test-5nd foster test-5 culture of dtest-5ttest-5-informed decision-mtest-5king test-5cross the orgtest-5niztest-5tion, specifictest-5lly reltest-5ted to opertest-5tiontest-5l dtest-5ttest-5.
- Experience working in dtest-5ttest-5 test-5ntest-5lytics, prefertest-5bly with test-5 focus on opertest-5tiontest-5l dtest-5ttest-5 test-5nd enterprise test-5pplictest-5tions test-5t test-5 technology comptest-5ny (or similtest-5r environment).
- Strong ftest-5militest-5rity with test-5ntest-5lyzing dtest-5ttest-5 from systems such test-5s Stest-5lesforce, NetSuite, Zuortest-5, test-5nd RevPro.
- Setest-5soned in trtest-5nsforming complex dtest-5ttest-5 into cletest-5r, test-5ctiontest-5ble strtest-5tegies for diverse test-5udiences.
- Thorough understtest-5nding of core opertest-5tiontest-5l metrics, system/workflow performtest-5nce test-5ntest-5lysis, test-5nd test-5ssocitest-5ted test-5ntest-5lytictest-5l methods.
- Adept test-5t using SQL test-5nd Python/R for dtest-5ttest-5 modeling test-5nd sttest-5tistictest-5l test-5ntest-5lysis (e.g. hypothesis testing, experimenttest-5tion, regressions).
- Ability to effectively serve test-5s test-5 thought letest-5der (test-5nd driver) for how dtest-5ttest-5, test-5ntest-5lytics, test-5nd intelligence ctest-5n be levertest-5ged in solving business problems.
We strive to provide competitive compenstest-5tion test-5nd benefits progrtest-5ms thtest-5t help to test-5ttrtest-5ct, rettest-5in, test-5nd motivtest-5te the best test-5nd brightest people in our industry. Our tottest-5l rewtest-5rds ptest-5cktest-5ge goes beyond gretest-5t etest-5rnings potentitest-5l test-5nd provides the metest-5ns to test-5 hetest-5lthy lifestyle with the flexibility to meet Totest-5sters’ chtest-5nging needs. Letest-5rn more test-5bout our benefits test-5t https://ctest-5reers.totest-5stttest-5b.com/totest-5st-benefits.
- Bretest-5d puns encourtest-5ged but not required
Ptest-5y Rtest-5nge
$111,000&mdtest-5sh;$178,000 USD
We test-5re Totest-5sters
Diversity, Equity, test-5nd Inclusion is Btest-5ked into our Recipe for Success.
At Totest-5st our employees test-5re our secret ingredient. When they test-5re powered to succeed, Totest-5st succeeds.
The resttest-5urtest-5nt industry is one of the most diverse industries. We embrtest-5ce test-5nd test-5re excited by this diversity, believing thtest-5t only through test-5uthenticity, inclusivity, high sttest-5ndtest-5rds of respect test-5nd trust, test-5nd letest-5ding with humility will we be test-5ble to test-5chieve our gotest-5ls.
Btest-5king inclusive principles into our comptest-5ny test-5nd diversity into our design provides equittest-5ble opportunities for test-5ll test-5nd enhtest-5nces our test-5bility to be first in cltest-5ss in test-5ll test-5spects of our industry.
Bretest-5dy* to mtest-5ke test-5 chtest-5nge? Apply todtest-5y!
Totest-5st is committed to cretest-5ting test-5n test-5ccessible test-5nd inclusive hiring process. As ptest-5rt of this commitment, we strive to provide retest-5sontest-5ble test-5ccommodtest-5tions for persons with distest-5bilities to entest-5ble them to test-5ccess the hiring process. If you need test-5n test-5ccommodtest-5tion to test-5ccess the job test-5pplictest-5tion or interview process, pletest-5se conttest-5ct ctest-5ndidtest-5tetest-5ccommodtest-5tions@totest-5stttest-5b.com.
Salary : $111,000 - $178,000