What are the responsibilities and job description for the School Social Worker - Murphysboro, IL position at Tri-County Special Education Cooperative?
25-26 School Year QUALIFICATONS: 1. Masters Degree in School Social Work from accredited school of social work2. Illinois Type 73 Certificate with school social work endorsementREPORTS TO: As assigned to appropriate Building Supervisor/Principal or Technical AssistantSupervisor. District Social Worker will report as assigned by DistrictSuperintendent, generally a building principal.JOB GOALS: The school social worker will primarily serve students enrolled in the school district and/or programwith school districts within the Tri-County Cooperative.
All students (Special Education, Title I, At-Risk, Early Childhood, etc.) are eligible for school social work services. The focus of the services willbe to assist the child, parent(s), teachers, and administrators with problem areas which may interferewith the childs performance and/or adjustment in school. Services include, but are not limited to,liaison work between home, school, and community services, consultation with teachers and otherschool personnel, individual/group counseling with identified students with emotional/behavioral needs,participation in child study teams, completion of evaluations/assessments and social developmentalstudies, participation in pre-referral, referral, and the IEP processes, development and administration ofneeds assessments, and timely completion of required time studies and billing.TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: The contract will normally be written for 180 days per fiscal year. Actual work hours will be discussedwith supervisor, but will be a minimum of 6 hours and 45 minutes each work day.
There will beoccasions when the work day may be longer to accommodate the needs of students and parents for astaffing or review of student related concerns.PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Provide individual, group, and family counseling to students in order to assist withsocial/emotional concerns which interfere with school performance.2. Provide life skills training through group or individual programming in order to assist studentswith acquiring skills needed to be successful in life.3. Act as a communication link/liaison between school and home to promote understanding andcooperation.4.
Provide counseling and intervention services to students families.5. Act as a liaison and referral agent for students to other community agencies.6. Provide crisis intervention for students as needed.7. Consult with teachers and other school personnel to help them understand and work withstudents with needs.8.
Act as a resource to school personnel as a member of the schools Child Study Team to developstrategies and interventions for students who have academic and/or behavioral concerns.9. Participates in pre-referral and IEP meetings in order to have input on students programmingneeds.10. Gather data and information through Social Developmental Studies and additional assessmentsin order to better understand the student and programming needs.11. Develop and administer need assessment(s) in order to identify areas of need.12.
Provide inservice training to staff regarding relative social/emotional topics and other specialeducation issues.13. Completion of mandated paperwork (i.e. Time studies, Medicaid, etc.) prior to set deadlines.14. Other duties as assigned by technical assistance supervisor and district administration.OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES: 1.
Integration of Technology into Instructiona. Demonstrates continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast ofcurrent and emerging technologies.b. Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported byavailable software and technology.c. Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applyingtechnology to maximize student learning in the curriculum of ones subject area(s) and/orgrade level(s).d.
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluationstrategies.e. Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practices includingword processing, database, spreadsheet, telecommunications and print/graphic utilities,class attendance (Lighthouse), Individual Education Plan (IEP) programs.Pay and Benefits in accordance to the collective bargaining agreement.
All students (Special Education, Title I, At-Risk, Early Childhood, etc.) are eligible for school social work services. The focus of the services willbe to assist the child, parent(s), teachers, and administrators with problem areas which may interferewith the childs performance and/or adjustment in school. Services include, but are not limited to,liaison work between home, school, and community services, consultation with teachers and otherschool personnel, individual/group counseling with identified students with emotional/behavioral needs,participation in child study teams, completion of evaluations/assessments and social developmentalstudies, participation in pre-referral, referral, and the IEP processes, development and administration ofneeds assessments, and timely completion of required time studies and billing.TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: The contract will normally be written for 180 days per fiscal year. Actual work hours will be discussedwith supervisor, but will be a minimum of 6 hours and 45 minutes each work day.
There will beoccasions when the work day may be longer to accommodate the needs of students and parents for astaffing or review of student related concerns.PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Provide individual, group, and family counseling to students in order to assist withsocial/emotional concerns which interfere with school performance.2. Provide life skills training through group or individual programming in order to assist studentswith acquiring skills needed to be successful in life.3. Act as a communication link/liaison between school and home to promote understanding andcooperation.4.
Provide counseling and intervention services to students families.5. Act as a liaison and referral agent for students to other community agencies.6. Provide crisis intervention for students as needed.7. Consult with teachers and other school personnel to help them understand and work withstudents with needs.8.
Act as a resource to school personnel as a member of the schools Child Study Team to developstrategies and interventions for students who have academic and/or behavioral concerns.9. Participates in pre-referral and IEP meetings in order to have input on students programmingneeds.10. Gather data and information through Social Developmental Studies and additional assessmentsin order to better understand the student and programming needs.11. Develop and administer need assessment(s) in order to identify areas of need.12.
Provide inservice training to staff regarding relative social/emotional topics and other specialeducation issues.13. Completion of mandated paperwork (i.e. Time studies, Medicaid, etc.) prior to set deadlines.14. Other duties as assigned by technical assistance supervisor and district administration.OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES: 1.
Integration of Technology into Instructiona. Demonstrates continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast ofcurrent and emerging technologies.b. Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported byavailable software and technology.c. Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applyingtechnology to maximize student learning in the curriculum of ones subject area(s) and/orgrade level(s).d.
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluationstrategies.e. Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practices includingword processing, database, spreadsheet, telecommunications and print/graphic utilities,class attendance (Lighthouse), Individual Education Plan (IEP) programs.Pay and Benefits in accordance to the collective bargaining agreement.