What are the responsibilities and job description for the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor - Weed Science Pastures, Horticultural Crops and Non-Crop Areas position at University of Tennessee?
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor-Weed Science Pastures, HorticulturalCropsandNon-CropAreas.UniversityofTennessee (100% Extension) full time tenure-track position
TheUniversityofTennessee,InstituteofAgriculture,Department ofPlant Sciences, Knoxville, TN
Effective Date Screeningofapplicant'scredentials will begin January 31,2025 and will continue until the position is filled.
SalaryandBenefits Salary iscommensuratewithtraining andexperience. The University of Tennessee offers a comprehensivebenefits package toall regular employees,includinghealthanddentalinsurance;lifeinsurance;multiple retirement plans;holiday,annual,andsickleavetime;longevity pay;and reimbursement for official travel.
- Provide leadership for planning, implementing and evaluating educational programs regarding weed control in pastures, horticultural crops and non-crop areas (including rights-of-way, ponds) in Tennessee
- Develop partnerships with county, district, and multi-state Extension faculty, industry representatives,TennesseeDepartmentofAgriculture,andExperimentStationpersonnel todevelop systems-based educational and applied research programs
- Developtimelyeducational materialsandprograms forcounty Extensionstaff,producers, agribusiness firms and other agencies
- Work closely withproducergroupsandindustry representativestopromotepractices for program support
- Provide leadership for a strong extension and applied research program that meets the needsofallclienteleregardlessofrace,color,nationalorigin,sex,age,disability,religion, or veteran status
- Earned doctorate inAgronomy, CropScience, Horticultural Science, Weed Scienceora closely related discipline
- Experienceinweedscienceprinciplesandpractices
- Excellent written and oral communication skills to interact effectively in English with faculty, producers, and non-farm clientele
- Ability tosecure extramural funding tosupport the development of effective Extension andResearchprogramsinvolvingfaculty,staff,producers,andnon-farmclienteleacross Tennessee
- Mustbewillingtotravelasthisprograminvolvesstate-wideeducationalresponsibilities
- Presentation of research results to stakeholder groups and at professional meetings (such as Tennessee Forage and Grasslands Council, Tennessee Vegetation Management Association, Southern Weed Science Society, etc.)
- Abilitytoconductfield / greenhouse / laboratory researchatthewholeplantlevel
- Abilitytoworkinamultidisciplinary,collaborativeteamenvironment
- Ability to publish research results in peer-reviewed journals, technical articles, popular pressandvariouswebsites,aswellasdisseminateresearchresultsatfielddayevents,state and regional conferences
- Recruitingandadvisinggraduatestudentsandsupervisingtechnicalstaffareexpected
- Appropriate criteriaforappointment totherankof Assistant,Associate, orFull Professor will apply and can be found in the Section 3.2.