What are the responsibilities and job description for the Assistant, Associate, Professor - T / TT / NTT Nursing - PhD Program Director- School of Nursing position at UTMB Health?
Assistant, Associate, Professor - T / TT / NTT Nursing - PhD Program Director- School of Nursing
- Galveston, Texas, United States
- FacultyUTMB HealthRequisition # 2302901
- The University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing at Galveston invites applications for full time PhD faculty (tenure / tenure-track / non-tenure track) in the Department of Graduate Studies. We are recruiting for the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, commensurate with the degree and experience.
- Founded in 1890, the School of Nursing was the first nursing program in the Southwest and one of the first schools in the U.S. to be affiliated with a university in 1896. As a component of the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), the school of nursing offers academic programs at the baccalaureate (traditional and RN-BSN), Masters (Family, Adult / Geriatric, Acute Care, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Leadership, Nurse Educator) and Doctoral Programs (DNP and PhD in collaboration with the Graduate School). UTMB provides a rich interprofessional environment conducive to teaching, practice, and research across the Schools of Nursing, Medicine, Health Professions Sciences, and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The School of Nursing has a state-of-the-art laboratory for bio-behavioral research, a Community Space for Health and Wellbeing, the Research Innovation and Scientific Excellence center and other faculty resources. UTMB is home to hospitals and emergency departments on four campuses, a network of primary and specialty care clinics, the 160,000 square feet Health Education Center for simulation and interprofessional education and the Galveston National Lab. The UTMB community values diversity, equity, and inclusion among faculty, students, and staff.
- The Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) Program Director reports directly to the Graduate Department Chair and is also administratively responsible to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs in the School of Nursing (SON). The PhD Program Director is responsible for the general administration andcurriculumofthePhDprogramandallmatterspertainingtoadvisingPhDstudents in the program.Other responsibilities include strategic planning, program innovation, program outcome evaluation, ongoing program improvement, and operationalmanagement.
- 1. Assumes responsibility for the PhD program's overall management andquality.2. Facilitatesthedevelopmentofshort-termandlong-termacademicstrategic goals for the PhD program and oversees methods of attainment.3. Assumesresponsibilityforachievementofprogramoutcomes,ongoingprogram evaluation and improvement.4. Recommendsfacultyandacademicresourcesneededforprogrammaintenance to the Vice Dean and Graduate Department Chair in the SON.5. ProvidesinputtotheGraduateDepartmentChairregardingfacultyteachingand workload assignments and performance appraisals.6. ConductsPhDProgramTeammeetingsprovidingguidanceinallprogram-relatedmatters.7. Assumesresponsibilityfordatacollectionandcompletionofmonitoringtoolsfor the Systematic Evaluation Plan (SEP).8. FacilitatesinnovativeeducationalinitiativesforthePhDprogram.9. Assumesresponsibility,inconjunctionwiththeViceDean,forcontributingtoall official reports of the PhD program, SON, University, State of Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and other agencies / organizations as appropriate.10. ProvidesinputtotheViceDeanandDepartmentChairinthemanagementofthe operational budget for the PhD program.11. ActsasarepresentativeandadvocateofthePhDprogramwithintheSchoolof Nursing, UTMB, and the community of interest.12. OverseescurriculummatterspertainingtothePhDProgram.13. ProvidesprogramspecificorientationfornewPhDfacultyandstudents.14. WorkscollaborativelywithotheracademicprogramswithintheSchoolof Nursing and other schools within UTMB.15. WorkswiththeSONOfficeofStudentAffairstoimplementmarketingstrategies to attract a diverse PhD student population within the admission policiesguidelines.16. CollaborateswiththeSONOfficeofStudentAffairstoensurethatPhD students meet all graduation requirements.17. FacilitatesstudentadvisementwithinthecontextoftheSON PhD academicprogrampolicies and SON procedures.18. Facilitates PhD program faculty decision-making on education matters in collaborationwiththeViceDean,Department Chair and Dean of the SON.19. Servesasex-officiomembertoSONGraduateProgramAdmissions& Progressions Committee and the SON Curriculum Committee.
- 1. Adoctoral degree in nursing or related field and eligibility for licensure in the State of Texas, as applicable.2. Established program of research and a record of successful research productivity,scientificcollaboration,andPhD-level teaching and mentorship.3. Demonstrates competent and significant experience teaching at the university level,andknowledgeofbest practices inonline and hybridteaching models.4. ExtensiveexperiencewithallPhDeducationfacets,includingstudentteaching and research mentorship, faculty mentorship, curricular development, and implementation, along with formative and summative program evaluations.5. Evidenceofsuccessfulacademicadministrativeleadershipexperience.6. TenureeligibleandmeetcriteriafortherankofAssociateProfessororProfessor
- Preferred Candidates will have teaching experience at the university level, clinical experience in their specialty area, a defined program of research or scholarship and demonstrated leadership skills. Faculty on research tenure track should show a strong potential for developing a funded program of scientific research and evidence of scholarly achievement. Faculty at the rank of Associate Professor / Professor with tenure should have a well-defined program of research including publications and national / international presentations, track record of intramural and / or extramural grant funding.
- Commensurate with experience.
- UTMB Health strives to provide equal opportunity employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression, genetic information, disability, veteran status, or any other basis protected by institutional policy or by federal, state or local laws unless such distinction is required by law. As a VEVRAA Federal Contractor, UTMB Health takes affirmative action to hire and advance women, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.Compensation