What are the responsibilities and job description for the Admissions Supervisor position at Vermilion Behavioral Health Systems?
We are seeking a dynamic Admissions Supervisor to provide strategic leadership to our Admissions Department. In this role, you will assisst in overseeing all aspects of admissions operations, ensuring the seamless integration of functions within the department. Key responsibilities include implementing strategic business development and marketing plans related to admissions, managing crisis triage and evaluation processes, and fostering a team environment that promotes high-quality patient care and satisfaction.
Join us in this pivotal role at Vermilion where you can make a significant impact on patient care and organizational success. If you are passionate about admissions management and possess the requisite qualifications, we invite you to apply and contribute to our mission of delivering high-quality healthcare services
FT Evenings 3:30p - Midnight
Essential Functions:
We are seeking a dynamic Admissions Supervisor to provide strategic leadership to our Admissions Department. In this role, you will assisst in overseeing all aspects of admissions operations, ensuring the seamless integration of functions within the department. Key responsibilities include implementing strategic business development and marketing plans related to admissions, managing crisis triage and evaluation processes, and fostering a team environment that promotes high-quality patient care and satisfaction.
Join us in this pivotal role at Vermilion where you can make a significant impact on patient care and organizational success. If you are passionate about admissions management and possess the requisite qualifications, we invite you to apply and contribute to our mission of delivering high-quality healthcare services
FT Evenings 3:30p - Midnight
Essential Functions:
- P rovide l e adership t o t h e A d m issions D e p artment and cultivate t h e function o f t h e d e p artment as an integrated te a m .
- Assist in Implementing t h e s t rategic p l an o f t h e bu siness d e v e lopment and m arketing d e p artment as i t p e rtains t o admission t o t h e facility and d irect p ote n t ial clients t o t reatment.
- P rovide l e adership in addressing qu ality m anagement i ssues related t o crisis t riage, e v aluation, intake and admission t o t h e facility.
- Assign/distribute s cheduled ev aluations, intake o r admissions as d ictated b y r e qu e st and ho spital census.
- Conduct qu ality assurance and qu ality i m p rovement p rograms f o r all crisis t riage, ev aluation, intake and admission services.
- Pe rform f o llow-up communication functions and g e n e rate recommendations for o rganization leadership.
- D e ve l o p and implement p r o g ram p o licies and p r o cedures t h at gu ide t h e p r o v ision o f services. Assist in the h iring d e cisions f o r Admissions D e p artment p e r sonnel, p rovide o rientation, in- service and c o n t inuing e d u cation p r o g rams f o r d e p artment staff and ot h e r internal p o sitions responsible f o r crisis t riage and/or ev aluation s e rvices.
- Serve as clinical liaison w ith referral s o u rces.
- Wo rk t o i m p rove e fficiency and qu ality in d e livering se rvices w ithin t h e d e p artment, responsible f o r d eve l o p ing and m eet ing d e p artmental g o als and o b jectives.
- Ensure and assist that d e p artment is u p t o d ate o n and c o m p liant w ith n e w laws and r e gu lations. Recruit, t rain and supervise staff.
- Work with the Director in managing t h e finances o f t h e d e p artment, p r e p are and m o n i to r budg e t s and spending t o e n sure d e p artment o p e rates w ithin allocated funds.
- De t e rmine and i m p lement admissions b e st-practices, p romote t h e h o spital and m aintain a satisfied p atient b ase.
- Pe rform o t h e r functions and t asks a s assigned.
- M aster’s De g ree in H u m an Services Field p referred w ith t h ree p lus ye ars’ e x p e rience
- Two- three ye ars o f w o rk ex p e rience in Management/Supervisor of Admissions in a substance abuse t reatment facility p referred.