What are the responsibilities and job description for the WCCUSD Sub Psychologist 2nd Year Fieldworkers and 3rd Year Interns position at West Contra Costa USD - Richmond?
Job Summary
View job descriptions for details.
Requirements / Qualifications
Certificated Substitute Requirements
In order to be a Certificated Substitute, you must possess or be eligible to qualify for a valid California Credential or an Emergency Permit.
Procedures for applicants applying for Emergency Permit :
1. Complete an EdJoin application. EDJOIN.ORG
2. Provide official transcripts showing evidence that a Bachelor's Degree or higher was awarded (signed, sealed, and in an unopened envelope).
3. Provide verification of CBEST
4. Provide current T.B. test results (within the last 12 months).
5. WCCUSD will contact you for the fingerprint appointment after your application has been reviewed.
6. After prints are cleared, California Teaching Commission will email the applicant to pay for Permit by either a debit or credit card.
- Please Note : All applicants MUST have fingerprint clearance through our district (WCCUSD) prior to being hired.Procedures for those applicants who already possess a valid Credential or Permit :
1. Complete an EdJoin application. EDJOIN.ORG
2. Provide Proof of California Credential or Permit.
3. Provide official transcripts showing evidence that a Bachelor's Degree or higher was awarded. (signed, sealed, and in an unopened envelope)
4. Provide verification of CBEST.
5. Provide current T.B. test results (within the last 12 months).
6. WCCUSD will contact you for the fingerprint appointment after your application has been reviewed.
7. If Credential or Permit is expired, it must be renewed online at ctc.ca.gov. Click on "renew credential" and follow the instructions.
Transcripts MUST be OFFICIAL (signed, sealed and in an unopened envelope). Copies will not be accepted.
Comments and Other Information
Nondiscrimination Statement
The West Contra Costa Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived
ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a
group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer / Title IX Coordinator : Jose Espinoza, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 231-1118, jespinoza2@wccusd.net and
Section 504 : Executive Directors' Office by school area. Area 1 : DiShawn Givens, dishawn.givens@wccusd.net, Area 2 : Jawan Eldridge, jeldridge@wccusd.net, Area 3 : Jose De Leon, jdeleon@wccusd.net, 1108 Bissell Ave., Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 231-1483.
Declaracin de No Discriminacin
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Contra Costa prohbe la discriminacin, la intimidacin, el acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual) o la intimidacin en base a las caractersticas reales o
percibidas de descendencia, color, discapacidad, gnero, identificacin con un gnero determinado, expresin de pertenencia a un gnero, estado migratorio, nacionalidad, raza u
origen tnico, adems de sexo, orientacin sexual o asociacin con una persona o grupo de personas con una o ms de estas caractersticas ya sean reales o percibidas.
Para preguntas o quejas, comunquese con el personal del Oficial de Cumplimiento de la Equidad / Coordinador del Ttulo IX : Jose Espinoza, 1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801,
510) 231-1118, jespinoza2@wccusd.net, y Seccin 504 : Oficina del Directorio Ejecutivo por rea escolar. rea 1 : DiShawn Givens, dishawn.givens@wccusd.net, rea 2 : Jawan Eldridge,
jeldridge@wccusd.net, rea 3 : Jose De Leon, jdeleon@wccusd.net, 1108 Bissell Ave., Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 231-1483.