Yorktown Systems Group is currently seeking a qualified Site Manager to provide individual, leader, small unit, battle staff, and simulation-driven collective Mission Command (MC) training, technical, exercise, simulation, and organizational support for the ARNG MCTSP. The ARNG MCTSP delivers individual and collective Mission Command system training in Live, Virtual, and Constructive environments to Battalions (BNs), Brigades (BDEs), and Divisions (DIVs) throughout the 54 states, territories, and District of Columbia in order to aid Commanders in achieving their Mission Command readiness objectives. The DA G 3/5/7 has designated the Mission Training Complex (MTC) as the vehicle for providing individual through collective MC training across the Army. The ARNG MCTSP currently operates six MTCs, each having its own designated region: MTC-Atterbury, IN, MTC-Chaffee, AR, MTC-Dodge, IA, MTC-Fort Indiantown Gap, PA, MTC-Gowen, ID and MTC-Leavenworth, KS. The six Regions collectively incorporate the 50 states, three territories and one district.
Specific duties may include, but are not limited to:
- Shall conduct regional scheduling, resource management coordination, training execution, property management, logistics, personnel management, and manage contractor continuing education training.
- Shall work collaboratively and in concert with the MTC Commander in direct support of the training and technical missions.
- Shall be accountable to the Task Order Manager (TOM).
- Shall be available during normal operating hours within 45 minutes of notification to meet in person or by phone with the supported MTC Commander.