Young Life requires all employees to sign a Statement of Faith. We recommend you read this statement before applying for any position.
Job Specific Working Conditions :
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Ministry Functions :
Spiritual Development - "Following Jesus" includes prayer and spiritual disciplines, fellowship, growth and health and church relationships.
- Commit to understanding God's Word and practicing spiritual disciplines including retreat and reflection times.
- Actively participate in a church community and the spiritual life of the Young Life community.
- Lead the area and individuals in spiritual development and prayer.
- Ensure that all Young Life ministry in the area is designed and carried out with a dependence on prayer that takes place out of the overflow of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Leadership Development - "Equipping leaders, committee and staff" includes key volunteer care, recruiting, team building and training, supervision and vision casting.
Cast the vision for campus ministry and maintain healthy ministry teams by recruiting, mobilizing and retaining teams of staff and volunteers.RecruitingRecruit, hire and place staff, leadership teams and committee members that reflect the makeup of the campus community.MobilizingDevelop, supervise and evaluate staff.Help provide resources and experiences needed to implement the vision for campus ministry and spiritual leadership plan.Recommend quality summer staff, summer interns and adult guests.RetainingEnsure excellent contact work, club, small group ministry, camping and service opportunities are modeled.Lead regular gatherings to cast vision, train and empower staff, leaders and committee to uniquely lead on their campus utilizing Young Life College's Reach, Build, Launch strategy aligned with the mission and values of Young Life.Resource Development - "Fueling the ministry" includes events, major donor care, public relations (branding) and TDS team.
Help recruit, encourage and sustain a local committee as partners in ministry to join in prayer, mentoring college students and fundraising.Work together with the committee members to ensure :A fundraising strategy is developed and implemented.A TDS team is pursuing and maintaining financial partners for the area.A surplus of funds are available for ministry sustainability and growth.Excellent communication to donors and community.Ongoing recruitment of potential committee members - striving for diversity of age, ethnicity, church attendance and more.Conduct quality events that display Young Life College's impact and warrant investment of resources.Network and collaborate with other Young Life College Directors for encouragement, sharing of strategies and ideas.Maintain major donor relationships that provide a personal touch to each major donor multiple times annually to update, thank, and "ask" on behalf of Young Life.Direct Ministry : "Proclaiming and discipling" includes contact work, club, Campaigners-i.e. small group ministry, camp.
Utilize proven Young Life College methods to carry out a plan for relational evangelism on the campus.Model and ensure staff, adult and student leaders are :Engaging in all three levels of contact work with students.Leading excellent Young Life College club meetings and small groups - i.e. CampaignersHelping students grow in their faithUtilizing Young Life camps and programs for outreach and discipleshipObserve and evaluate each ministry annually.Create opportunities for students to grow and serve through local and international service / mission trips, community projects, summer staff and more.Work together with local Young Life staff to identify, recruit and place college students who are interested and qualified to serve as Wyld Life, Young Life, Capernaum and YoungLives leaders.Be available to serve on assignment two out of every three years as directed by the regional director or divisional office. In alignment with the Everyone on Assignment Policy, the assignment could be a three to four-week assignment in the summer or during the year, an International Assignment, a Young Life College Jump Start, serving on the Conference Planning Team or writing curriculum for Young Life College use.Ministry Support - "Taking care of business" includes accounting, administration, communication (internal), data management and strategic plan.
Set a yearly strategic ministry plan and initiatives to reach every kid and review them on a regular basis.Maintain confidential systems for recording :Use of funds, expenditures and budget.Database of students and donors.Compliance with Young Life policies and procedures.Provide clear, prompt and professional communication to key volunteers, donors, staff and ministry partners.Maintain professional integrity in conduct and appearance, time management and administrative operations as agreed upon with supervisor.Accept special assignments, lead regional events and serve as a learning resource within the region, division and missionwide.Training :
Area Director School is required.Participation in required TDS training.Participation in All Staff Conference every four years.Participation in Annual Young Life College Summit.Participation in additional training or experiences deemed necessary (e.g., more urban exposure).At the regional director's prerogative, certain regional training events may be required.Encouragement to pursue continuing educational opportunities including graduate degrees.Encouragement to pursue seminars designed to enhance professional skills.Encouragement to participate in programs designed for personal spiritual maturity or personal enrichment.Working Conditions :
Includes the extreme conditions that accompany Young Life camp assignment and cross-cultural mission trips. Staff should feel they are able to handle such conditions.Education :
College degree required.