LEAP 2025 Summer Remediation Teacher. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the positions listed below to work with students during LEAP Remediation. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. High School Content Teacher…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must be a certified teacher in the con...
LEAP 2025 Summer Remediation Teacher. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the positions listed below to work with students during LEAP Remediation. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. High School Content Teacher…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must be a certified teacher in the con...
LEAP 2025 Summer Remediation Teacher. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the positions listed below to work with students during LEAP Remediation. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. High School Content Teacher…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must be a certified teacher in the con...
High School Summer LEAP Remediation Counselor. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the position listed below to oversee the counseling of the High School Summer Remediation program. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. High School Counselor…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must posses...
LEAP 2025 Summer Remediation Teacher. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the positions listed below to work with students during LEAP Remediation. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. High School Content Teacher…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must be a certified teacher in the con...
LEAP 2025 Summer Remediation Teacher. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the positions listed below to work with students during LEAP Remediation. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. High School Content Teacher…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must be a certified teacher in the con...
CADDO PARISH SCHOOL JOB DESCRIPTION. Job Title. Classroom Teacher. Prepared By. Emily L. Stanford. Prepared Date. June 24, 2024. Approved By. Leisa G. Woolfolk. Approved Date. June 30, 2024. AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY. Domains and Components will be used for teacher evaluation in conjunction with measures of student growth. Measures of student growth will be aligned with the Caddo Parish Public School System's accountability measures as outlined in t...
Caddo 3. rd. Grade Summer Remediation Teacher. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the position listed below to work with students during Summer Remediation. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. Grade 3 ELA Teacher…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must be a certified teacher in the c...
High School Summer LEAP Remediation Test Coordinator. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the position listed below to oversee the counseling of the High School Summer Remediation program. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. High School Test Coordinator…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applica...
Caddo 3. rd. Grade Enrichment Teacher. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the position listed below to work with students during Summer Remediation. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. Grade Enrichment Teacher…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours per day). The applicant must be a certified teacher in the cont...
Elementary Summer Remediation Counselor/Test Coordinator. The Caddo Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the position listed below to oversee the counseling and test administration of the Caddo Grade 3 Summer Remediation program. All applicants must meet Louisiana certification requirements for the position(s) in which they apply. . The following is the payment schedule and requirements. Elementary Counselor…...$38.00 per hour - (7 hours...
CADDO PARISH SCHOOL JOB DESCRIPTION. Job Title. Classroom Teacher. Prepared By. Emily L. Stanford. Prepared Date. June 24, 2024. Approved By. Leisa G. Woolfolk. Approved Date. June 30, 2024. AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY. Domains and Components will be used for teacher evaluation in conjunction with measures of student growth. Measures of student growth will be aligned with the Caddo Parish Public School System's accountability measures as outlined in t...