Bist du auf der Suche nach Flexibilität bei der Arbeit in einer gut etablierten, aber dennoch dynamischen Umgebung. . Werde Teil unseres Teams als Buchhalter, übernimm die Verantwortung für deine Aufgaben und wähle deinen Arbeitsplatz und deine Arbeitsweise selbst aus. Das sind wir. Die Cocomore AG entwickelt digitale Produkte und Kommunikationsdienstleistungen für internationale Kund:innen wie EssilorLuxottica, GroupeSEB, Nestlé, Procter & Gambl...
Looking for flexibility while working in a well-established, yet dynamic environment. Join us as an accountant, take ownership of your tasks, and choose your workplace and work style. . About us. Cocomore is not only a digital agency providing products and communication services for international clients like EssilorLuxottica, GroupeSEB, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, or Samsung. Cocomore is also an incubator for digital start-ups, having so far sold...
Great opportunity as a working student to support and learn from our Central Services team. About us. Cocomore is not only a digital agency providing products and communication services for international clients like Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Rabobank, Samsung, and Sanofi, but also an incubator for digital start-ups, having already sold to Deutsche Telekom, Axel Springer, and Pro7Sat1. Our team of 180 professionals is located across Europe, with ...
Great opportunity as a working student to support and learn from our Central Services team. About us. Cocomore is not only a digital agency providing products and communication services for international clients like Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Rabobank, Samsung, and Sanofi, but also an incubator for digital start-ups, having already sold to Deutsche Telekom, Axel Springer, and Pro7Sat1. Our team of 180 professionals is located across Europe, with ...