For more than 30 years, DST Controls has designed and fabricated control system panels and OEM sub-systems for a wide range of industrial customers. DST's professional, multi-disciplined engineering staff offers completed panel installation and validation in addition to a full range of controls integration services. Building on its controls expertise, DST has become a global leader in industrial data monitoring and integration services. Through DST's Industrial Data Services, customers can leverage the value of real-time process and manufacturing data by integrating it into existing systems as maintenance, asset management, and back-end business platforms. DST's range of products and services, and how they apply to customer organizations, can be best visualized using the International Society of Automation (ISA) definition for integration of enterprise and control systems in the diagram on the right. ISA-95 consists of models and terminology used to determine which information has to be exchanged between systems for production, maintenance, and quality purposes, as well as corporate systems for finance and the supply chain.
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