Since 1981, JCCGCI provides social and human service to the communities of southern Brooklyn and Citywide. Over the past two decades, JCCGCI expanded into a One-Stop center addressing a large spectrum of social and human service needs (and was designated as a Settlement House by New York State). JCCGCIs service divisions respond to the challenges being faced by the frail, low-income elderly; the educationally at-risk youth; the vocationally disadvantaged poor; immigrants as well as the capacity building needs of non-profit organizations throughout New York City. Commensurate with this mission,... JCCGCI implements innovative responses to evolving unmet needs, on an ongoing basis. A recognized resource for effective services delivery, elected officials and other nonprofits reach out to JCCGCI as a resource for responding to various social service needs. Senior Support Systems provides homecare, transportation, friendly visiting, telephone reassurance, senior center services (at five sites), Sunday Senior Center services and ESL instruction to elderly refugees; Vocational Support Systems provides occupational skills training.We also provide Work Experience Program (WEP) services to recipients of Public Assistance attending college, and Adult Literacy services. Educational Support Systems provides dropout prevention, extended school day (including homework and tutoring assistance), attendance improvement, peer mentoring and parental support services to students in Brooklyn and Queens. Nonprofit Helpdesk assists nonprofits, in NYC, by providing capacity building technical assistance to improve the management capacity, efficiency and accountability of their p operations. Community Support Systems focuses on the neighborhoods adjacent to where our main office is. Programs include Cure Violence Program, Urban Neighborhood Services, In-School Conflict Resolution, and Housing Preservation .
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