When you are enjoying content on TV, radio, smartphone, tablet or PC, you are also watching the works of the team that helps put that content right there. The mission of. Mediagenix. is to enable renowned. media companies. (e.g. BBC, Disney, Discovery, Paramount) worldwide to bring. content. to the viewer in the most efficient and future-proof way with the help of our. broadcast management system. To support media companies in their growth in thi...
When you are enjoying content on TV, radio, smartphone, tablet or PC, you are also watching the works of the team that helps put that content right there. The mission of. Mediagenix. is to enable renowned. media companies. (e.g. BBC, Disney, Discovery, Paramount) worldwide to bring. content. to the viewer in the most efficient and future-proof way with the help of our. broadcast management system. To support media companies in their growth in thi...