Of all the choices you have of places to work, why do I think you would like. Hospice. and. VNA. . We offer. FLEXIBLE. schedules that work into your life, either full-time or part-time. You set your. HOURS. set you time around your appointments, kids, no nights. We pay top. $$. in salaries, on-call. $$. bonuses, mileage and additional. $$. for any visits made on the weekend. (it is your choice. ). We are a. family-oriented. company and we care ab...
Of all the choices you have of places to work, why do I think you would like. Hospice. and. VNA. . We offer. FLEXIBLE. schedules that work into your life, either full-time or part-time. You set your. HOURS. set you time around your appointments, kids, no nights. We pay top. $$. in salaries, on-call. $$. bonuses, mileage and additional. $$. for any visits made on the weekend. (it is your choice. ). We are a. family-oriented. company and we care ab...