The National Medical Association (NMA) is the nations oldest and largest organization representing African American physicians and health professionals in the United States. Established in 1895, the NMA is the collective voice of more than 35,000 African American physicians and the patients they serve. The NMA was founded in 1895, during an era in US history when the majority of African Americans were disenfranchised. The segregated policy of separate but equal dictated virtually every aspect of society. Racially exclusive Jim Crow laws dominated employment, housing, transportation, recreation..., education, and medicine. Black Americans were subjected to all of the injustices inherent in a dual medical care system. Under the backdrop of racial exclusivity, membership in Americas professional organizations, including the American Medical Association (AMA), was restricted to whites only. The AMA determined medical policy for the country and played an influential role in broadening the expertise of physicians. When a group of black doctors sought membership into the AMA, they were repeatedly denied admission. Subsequently, the NMA was created for black doctors and health professionals who found it necessary to establish their own medical societies and hospitals.
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