Title. Upper School Life Science Teacher (Part-Time). The Upper School Life Science Teacher will inspire students, foster a passion for science, and support their academic, social, and spiritual growth in alignment with the school’s mission and a Biblical worldview. Reports To. Upper School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing enviro...
Title. Middle School Math Teacher. Reports To. Middle School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing students’ potential to impact their world for Christ. Qualifications. Bachelor’s degree in education and/or equivalent required subject hours. Minimum 3 years of teaching experience preferred. Prefer a valid Georg...
Position. Moving Forward Program (MFP) Middle School ELA Teacher (Grades 5-8). Reports to. Moving Forward Program Director. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing students’ potential to impact their world for Christ. Overview. The Moving Forward Program (MFP) Middle School ELA Teacher provides differentiated, small-group E...
Title: Moving Forward Program (MFP) Upper School Academic Support Coach. This position supports students with diagnosed learning differences. The MFP Support Coach focuses on advancing students’ academic progress, executive functioning, and self-advocacy skills while helping them realize their potential to impact the world for Christ. Reports To. Director of Moving Forward Program. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School p...
Title. Upper School Life Science Teacher. The Upper School Life Science Teacher will inspire students, foster a passion for science, and support their academic, social, and spiritual growth in alignment with the school’s mission and a Biblical worldview. Reports To. Upper School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, devel...
Title. Upper School Math Teacher. The Upper School Math Teacher will inspire students, foster a passion for mathematics, and support their academic, social, and spiritual growth in alignment with the school’s mission and a Biblical worldview. Reports To. Upper School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing studen...
Job Title. Middle School Chaplain. Reports To. Middle School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing students’ potential to impact their world for Christ. Job Description. North Cobb Christian School seeks a qualified and spiritually mature individual to serve as a Middle School Chaplain. This position combines t...
Title. Upper School English Teacher. Reports To. Upper School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing students’ potential to impact their world for Christ. Qualifications. . Prefer a valid Georgia teaching certificate with required endorsements for the subject and level assigned, or a Master's Degree within the a...
Title. Middle School Science Teacher. Reports To. Middle School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing students’ potential to impact their world for Christ. Qualifications. . Bachelor’s degree in education and/or equivalent required subject hours. Minimum 3 years of teaching experience preferred. Prefer a valid ...
Reports To. Middle School Principal. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing students’ potential to impact their world for Christ. Purpose. The 7th Grade Math Long-Term Substitute Teacher will report to the Middle School Principal and will be responsible for providing instruction in mathematics for 7th-grade students during...
Title: Day Porter. Reports To. Director of Facilities. Mission. Committed to Jesus Christ, North Cobb Christian School provides a biblically based, academically excellent education in a nurturing environment, developing students’ potential to impact their world for Christ. Qualifications. . minimum 3 years custodial experience. Physical strength and stamina. Custodians need to be able to lift, move, bend, climb, and carry heavy loads. They also ...
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