The Sedalia Democrat was founded in 1868 as a weekly newspaper and began its daily edition, originally called the Daily Democrat, Dec. 19, 1871. The Democrat is Pettis Countys primary source for daily local news coverage. We reach more than 15,000 readers every Tuesday through Saturday with our print newspaper. Some 64,000 unique viewers come to our website every month for the latest-breaking news stories. The Democrat newsroom received 32 awards for its coverage during 2015, including 14 first place honors for Breaking News, Sports, News and Feature Photojournalism, and Column Writing. Awards... were received from the Missouri Associated Press Media Editors, Kansas City Press Club and Missouri Press Association. The Democrat also earned a General Excellence Award from APME for its division. The Democrat has a circulation of about 5,800 in Pettis County and five neighboring counties. Besides the Democrat, we print publications for nearly 60 commercial print customers, including schools, annual publications and quarterly publications, as well as the Whiteman Warrior. The Whiteman Air Force Base Warrior is distributed every Friday with 4,800 copies distributed on Whiteman AFB. The Pettis Plainsman is distributed every Wednesday, with more than 13,000 copies distributed by home delivery and racks in Pettis County. The South Plainsman is distributed every Wednesday, with more than 17,000 copies distributed by home delivery and racks in Benton, Morgan and Henry counties. Contact the Sedalia Democrat at 660-826-1000.
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