Our State College, PA directory offers information about Central Pennsylvania including State College and Penn State. Check out our news coverage, movie listings, real estate guide, Employment and Jobs, the take out and delivery guide, online ordering, and our business directory. Offering Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing services, Social Media consulting and online reputation management to our customers in addition to display advertising options and opportunities. We feature well versed and trained account representatives to help you grow your business and your brand onli...ne with hundreds successful examples and case studies. StateCollege.com along with it's companion site OnwardState combined have the largest audience of any site serving the State College marketplace as well as the Penn State affinity. Combined, the two sites monthly have over 500,000 visits consisting of 2,600,000 page views and 300,000 unique visitors. The sites have over 130,000 social media followers between Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to follow us @statecollegecom, @onwardstate, http://www.facebook.com/statecollegecom and http://www.facebook.com/onwardstate.
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