Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. (TRI) is a disability advocacy organization, which serves as a resource for individuals with disabilities to fully access and participate in the community through outreach, advocacy, and independent living skills development. Position: Administrative Assistant to Special Education Program. . Hours: Part-Time/ 20 hours per week. (Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8am-5pm). Description. To provide ...
Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. (TRI) is a disability rights advocacy organization dedicated to empowering persons with disabilities to lead self-directed lives in the community with independence, full inclusion and dignity. Parent Empowerment Program (PEP) is a new addition to Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. (TRI). PEP provides training and information to families of children and young adults with disabilities, between the ages...
Position. RAPID TRANSITION HOUSING (RTH) SPECIALIST. Job Summary. RTHP Specialist provides assistance to persons with disabilities interested in the Rapid Transition Housing Program (RTHP) – a program that provides rental subsidies for high-need Medicaid beneficiaries who are homeless or unstably housed. After eligibility determination, the Specialist will work jointly with the applicant on a housing search, community transition plan, and follow-...