Total Manufacturing Company Established 1974 in Lincoln, Nebraska, where it still operates today, Total Manufacturing Company specializes in one-stop, concept-to-completion metal manufacturing services. TMCO can finish a product from any stage be it design, fabrication, paint, assemblyor if you wish, the whole ball of wax. Whether a small quantity or a huge manufacturing run, TMCO treats all of its customers with the same reverence. We hope that we exceed our clients expectations every time, says owner and founder, Roland Temme. In addition Temme says, Its a partnership deal because were to build long-term customer relationships. That partnership could have a major impact on your design. Just ask Tim Thomssen about a little project that came across his desk several years back. The concept was one farmers idea for a useful machine. That machine was a forced air unit used to dry wet cowsessentially a cow dryer (this is Nebraska, folks). Lo and behold through their combined teamwork a design was born and production began on a truly unique item. Not only did TMCO make it possible, they streamlined manufacturing to the fewest steps saving their customer substantial money and time. That product proved so successful, to this day some 10,000 units have been manufactured and shipped from TMCO. That story isnt unusual in a shop that cultivates the greatest potential from their staff. When you hire the best people, give them the best machines, its almost impossible to fail. The proof is in the pudding. Since its inception TMCO has quadrupled in size and will most likely double in the next five years. Couple that with its low turnover and high employee loyalty and its no wonder TMCO is flourishing today. Take the tour and learn for yourself why in the age of outsourcing and impersonal service, TMCO holds on tight to the values that have made it a powerhouse in the metal fabrication business.
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