Part Time Shipping Coordinator - flexible schedule, 20 hours a week, perfect for parent of school-age children, or college student. Our small, very fast-paced monthly auction house, located in Wilton, CT, specializes in historical autographs, manuscripts, rare books, and more. Seeking a part-time coordinator to assist in the sorting, packing and shipping of auction purchases. Auction or related experience strongly preferred. Bachelor's degree or ...
Part Time Shipping Coordinator - flexible schedule, 20 hours a week, perfect for parent of school-age children, or college student. Our small, very fast-paced monthly auction house, located in Wilton, CT, specializes in historical autographs, manuscripts, rare books, and more. Seeking a part-time coordinator to assist in the sorting, packing and shipping of auction purchases. Auction or related experience strongly preferred. Bachelor's degree or ...