WaveFront Technology, Inc, (WFT) is an established (incorporated in 1996) premier supplier of nano & micro-structured tools, coatings, films and appliques to the Brand Identity, Security, Lighting, Aerospace and Display Markets. Our trademarked byline is We Control Light. Centralized Production, Distribution and Laboratory Facilities are in Paramount, California and have grown to over 52,000 square feet of space. WFT has four principle departments including Origination, Recombine/Tooling, Film Manufacturing and Engineering Services. There are currently over 60 full time employees that include ...Senior Staff with advanced degrees in Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry as well as Metrology, Laboratory, QC and Manufacturing Management professionals with over 100 years of combined experience high volume high value optical component manufacturing. WFT has a unique combination of equipment in North America to create novel nano and micro-structured features that can be cost effectively mass produced in millions of square miles of product. More can be found at www.wft.bz
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