Come and join the leading #avoexperts 🥑. Westfalia Fruit is a leading multinational supplier of fresh fruit and related value-added products to global markets. Through our vertically-integrated supply chain we grow, source, ripen, pack, process and market quality avocadoes & fresh produce – 365 days a year & across the globe. With the largest avocado-growing footprint in the world, we are recognized as the leading #avoexperts and considered as t...
Come and join the leading #avoexperts 🥑. Westfalia Fruit is a leading multinational supplier of fresh fruit and related value added products to global markets. Through our vertically-integrated supply chain we grow, source, ripen, pack, process and market quality avocadoes & fresh produce - 365 days a year & across the globe. With the largest avocado-growing footprint in the world, we are recognised as the leading. avoexperts. and considered as ...
Kommen Sie und schließen Sie sich den führenden #avoexperts an 🥑. Westfalia Fruit ist ein führender multinationaler Anbieter von Frischobst und verwandten Mehrwertprodukten für globale Märkte. Über unsere vertikal integrierte Lieferkette züchten, beschaffen, reifen, verpacken, verarbeiten und vermarkten wir hochwertige Avocados und frische Produkte - 365 Tage im Jahr und auf der ganzen Welt. Mit der weltweit größten Avocado-Anbaupräsenz gelten w...
Come and join the leading #avoexperts 🥑. Westfalia Fruit is a leading multinational supplier of fresh fruit and related value added products to global markets. Through our vertically-integrated supply chain we grow, source, ripen, pack, process and market quality avocadoes & fresh produce - 365 days a year & across the globe. With the largest avocado-growing footprint in the world, we are recognised as the leading. avoexperts. and considered as ...