The White Earth Nation, in collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Human Services, is offering an opportunity for tribal members and their families to receive public assistance, currently offered by counties, directly from the White Earth Human Services Division. Until now, only cases for households comprised solely of White Earth Nation members or lineal descendants have been eligible for transfer from the three counties. The White Earth Nation is now ready to manage and determine eligibility for any household containing at least one member of the White Earth Nation. Several services i...ncluding Medical Assistance (MA), Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), General Assistance (GA), Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA), Diversionary Work Program (DWP), and Group Residential Housing (GHR) will be offered. In addition, White Earth Financial Services clients may be eligible for other services unique to tribes as part of the trust responsibilities of the Federal Government. Any family who would like to have their public assistance case managed by White Earth Financial Services must submit a Verification Form to White Earth Financial Services before July 15, 2014, to have their case transferred.
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