Title: Groundworker. Type: Full-Time/Non-Exempt. Reports to: Crew Leader/General Foreperson. Essential Functions. Uses a chainsaw to cut brush, logs and stumps of larger trees. Works from the ground using gasoline powered chainsaws. Loads and unloads trucks with logs, stumps, brush and debris and/or feeds brush into a wood chipper. Will gathers brush and carry to chipper area. Works around hazardous equipment. Works around excessive noise from ma...
Title: Trimmer/Climber Trainee. Type: Full-Time/Non-Exempt. Reports to: Foreperson/General Foreperson. Essential Functions. Trims and/or removes trees by climbing with the aid of a ladder, safety belt, climbing line, powered trimmer lift truck, or works from the ground using saws/pruners. Will cut branches or trunk sections and drops or lowers them to the ground with lines. Uses appropriate tools, will fell trees or trimmed trunks and split them ...
Wright Tree Service provides vegetation management, storm restoration, and work planning services to utility companies and their communities across North America. Our operations are guided by a set of values: safety, integrity, excellence, teamwork, innovation, and family. Safety is always our highest value. That focus is guided by our “Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper” pledge to keep both ourselves and others safe. We abide by the highest ethical s...
Wright Tree Service provides vegetation management, storm restoration, and work planning services to utility companies and their communities across North America. Our operations are guided by a set of values: safety, integrity, excellence, teamwork, innovation, and family. Safety is always our highest value. That focus is guided by our “Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper” pledge to keep both ourselves and others safe. We abide by the highest ethical s...
Title: Groundworker. Type: Full-Time/Non-Exempt. Reports to: Crew Leader/General Foreperson. Essential Functions. Uses a chainsaw to cut brush, logs and stumps of larger trees. Works from the ground using gasoline powered chainsaws. Loads and unloads trucks with logs, stumps, brush and debris and/or feeds brush into a wood chipper. Will gathers brush and carry to chipper area. Works around hazardous equipment. Works around excessive noise from ma...
Title: Groundworker. Type: Full-Time/Non-Exempt. Reports to: Crew Leader/General Foreperson. Essential Functions. Uses a chainsaw to cut brush, logs and stumps of larger trees. Works from the ground using gasoline powered chainsaws. Loads and unloads trucks with logs, stumps, brush and debris and/or feeds brush into a wood chipper. Will gathers brush and carry to chipper area. Works around hazardous equipment. Works around excessive noise from ma...
Wright Tree Service provides vegetation management, storm restoration, and work planning services to utility companies and their communities across North America. Our operations are guided by a set of values: safety, integrity, excellence, teamwork, innovation, and family. Safety is always our highest value. That focus is guided by our “Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper” pledge to keep both ourselves and others safe. We abide by the highest ethical s...
Wright Tree Service provides vegetation management, storm restoration, and work planning services to utility companies and their communities across North America. Our operations are guided by a set of values: safety, integrity, excellence, teamwork, innovation, and family. Safety is always our highest value. That focus is guided by our “Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper” pledge to keep both ourselves and others safe. We abide by the highest ethical s...
Title: Groundworker. Type: Full-Time/Non-Exempt. Reports to: Crew Leader/General Foreperson. Essential Functions. Uses a chainsaw to cut brush, logs and stumps of larger trees. Works from the ground using gasoline powered chainsaws. Loads and unloads trucks with logs, stumps, brush and debris and/or feeds brush into a wood chipper. Will gathers brush and carry to chipper area. Works around hazardous equipment. Works around excessive noise from ma...
If you're interested in this position, please apply here. Careers. Hiring Immediately. $750 Sign-On Bonus Offered. BENEFITS. Union benefits and pay offered. Plenty of growth opportunities. On the job training. Potential overtime. Get paid weekly, etc. Entry-level position. Title. Trimmer/Climber Trainee. Type. Full-Time/Non-Exempt. Reports to. Foreperson/General Foreperson. Essential Functions of Tree Trimmer at Wright Tree Service. Trims and/or ...
If you're interested in this position, please apply here. Careers. Hiring Immediately. $750 Sign-On Bonus Offered. BENEFITS. Union benefits and pay offered. Plenty of growth opportunities. On the job training. Potential overtime. Get paid weekly, etc. Wright Tree Service provides vegetation management, storm restoration, and work planning services to utility companies and their communities across North America. Our operations are guided by a set ...
Salary. $70,000 - $76,000 subject to experience. The ideal candidate will reside within 30 minutes to 1 hour from Denver, CO. Resume And Cover Letter Required To Apply. Title. Safety Supervisor. Type. Full-Time/Exempt. Reports to. Division Manager. Essential Functions. Ensures compliance with Wright Tree Service and OSHA policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. Identifies potential safety issues and recommends corrective actions as appropria...