What are the responsibilities and job description for the ANTHC Chief Operating Officer position at Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium?
Salary: Negotiable :USD
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity or gender expression, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, military status, genetic information or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.
Under general direction of the President, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) will be responsible for ANTHC’s daily operations, structure, and policies. The position will initiate and implement programs to ensure the attainment of operational goals and alignment with ANTHC’s strategic coals. The COO oversees the operations of ANMC, DEHE, CHS, Campus Facilities (non-hospital), capital projects, Marketing/Communications, and Human Resources. Serves on the President’s Council and collaborates with fellow Executives to prioritize and align the Consortium’s resources and operations.
Strategic Leadership
A ssists the President/CEO in developing and implementing the Consortium’s strategic plan.
E nsures that long-term projects and key initiatives are executed in an efficient, effective, and diligent manner that promotes the Consortium’s mission, vision, and values while building support and coordination across the Alaska Tribal Health System.
S afeguards continuity of ANTHC’s executive leadership by grooming successors for key roles and promotes advancement of Alaska Native and American Indian (AN/AI) employees for key management, executive and leadership positions.
W orks with Tribal Health Organizations (THOs), Tribes, and other key partners to provide strategic and organizational support, identify key goals and strategies, and oversee their implementation in coordination with the Consortium’s strategic plan.
O versees ANTHC day-to-day operations and provides leadership, management, and vision to ensure the business has effective people, operational controls, and administrative and reporting procedures in place.
F inancial Vitality of the Consortium
W orking in collaboration with the CFO, utilizes financial and analytical skills to lead, monitor and take actions that ensure the Consortium’s financial stability and long-term success.
O versees the implementation of programs, policies, and ensures resources available to provide the highest quality of health care services regardless of the service location, setting, or health care specialty being provided.
E nsures best practice and evidence-based approaches to consistently deliver exceptional, well-coordinated and integrated care that delivers high level outcomes and patient satisfaction.
D ivision of Environmental Health and Engineering
E nsures adherence to all applicable laws, regulations, contractual and grant requirements for the delivery of services within the Division of Environmental Health and Engineering (DEHE).
E nsures DEHE staff arranges contractual relationships with consultants, contractors, architects, etc. in a manner consistent with existing grant programs, legal requirements, and regulatory obligations.
O perational Management and Effectiveness
M aintains an organized system of management and controls that ensure smooth function of Consortium operations, timely accomplishment of goals, and adherence with accepted best practice in healthcare operations and construction management.
H ires and manages experienced and well-qualified leaders to whom day-to-day operational effectiveness can be delegated.
P rovides oversight to the operation and administration of subsidiary or affiliated organizations.
T ranslates strategy into actionable goals for performance and growth, helping to implement organization-wide goal setting, performance management, and annual operations planning.
E nsures quality and continuity of ANTHC services, including design and improvement of key processes; day-to-day management of operational performance that aligns with the organization’s strategic initiatives and objectives.
E nsures timely and appropriate reporting on operational issues throughout the organization.
A ssesses and quantifies risks, and takes measures to eliminate, mitigate, monitor, and control. Adheres to company, federal, state, and local business requirements, enforcing compliance and taking action when necessary.
P resident/CEO and Governance Functions
S upports the President/CEO in carrying out the Board’s fiduciary obligations and governance functions.
E nsures the President/CEO receives accurate, complete and timely information. Provides guidance and direction on the preparation of business plans or proposals. Works closely with executive management to carry out directives and key initiatives.
C ollaborate with the Board of Directors and executive leaders to differentiate between governance level policy issues and operational issues.
E nsure the ANTHC policies and directives are properly interpreted and implemented consistent with their purpose and responds to requests from the Board.
H uman Resources
E nsures the attainment of Consortium objectives through the selection, development, engagement and evaluation of personnel. Ensures appropriate salary structures, incentive programs and human resources policies are developed and maintained.
W orks to develop a positive and compassionate employee organizational culture where employees have a sense of belonging and grow professionally and personally.
D evelops a program to support and encourage the hiring and promotion of Alaska Native and American Indian employees.
P rovides leadership that aligns and challenges the workforce, ensures accountability for meeting strategic objectives, and promotes fulfillment of the Consortium’s mission, vision and values.
Other information:
E xceptional leadership and strategic planning skills.
K een understanding of National, State, Local and Tribal political systems and ability to effectively represent and advance the interests of ANTHC and the Alaska Tribal Health System.
D emonstrated excellence in diplomacy, negotiation, consensus building, and establishing and maintaining collaborative and cooperative relationships with diverse governmental organizations, individuals and other strategic partners.
S trong administrative and financial management skills.
K nowledge of health care operations policy and legal/regulatory requirements.
H igh level of integrity, discretion, and accountability.
U nderstanding of Alaska Native people and cultures and ability to interact with Alaska Native people, Alaska Native Tribes, and Tribal organizations with cultural awareness, sensitivity, and respect.
U nderstanding of the Alaska Tribal Health System and its unique legal, regulatory and political issues.
A bility to communicate with, collaborate, and work well with an Executive Team.
D emonstrated ability to serve as a positive role model by promoting a healthy lifestyle and respecting Alaska Native values through integrity, professionalism, focus on excellence, commitment, compassion and accountability.
P roven record of accomplishments leading change and operational improvements.
M aintains the ability to lead in complex, changing, and ambiguous environments. Enables the process of change, adapts to evolving conditions and work assignments, sets priorities and manages multiple assignments and tasks when confronted with changes, ambiguity, adversity, and other pressures.
L istens, writes, and speaks effectively, and positively relates and interacts with co-workers and others.
M aster of Business Administration or equivalent degree in a relevant field.
H eld an executive level position in a complex organization with a budget greater than four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000) and more than one thousand, five hundred (1,500) employees.
A t least ten (10) years of supervisory experience, including succession planning, mentoring and motivating a team of executive level professionals.
I n accordance with federal law, ANTHC gives preference to qualified Alaska Native and American Indian candidates.
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U nderstanding the challenges of working or living in rural Alaska.
P ositive working relationship with Alaska regional Tribal Health Organizations.
T en (10) years of experience in the healthcare industry and Tribal organizations.
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