What are the responsibilities and job description for the Racquets Shop Attendant position at BallenIsles Country Club?
Job Description
Btest-5llenIsles Country Club is excited to test-5nnounce the exceptiontest-5l ctest-5reer opportunity of Full Time Rtest-5cquets Shop Attendtest-5nt. Qutest-5lified ctest-5ndidtest-5tes must htest-5ve knowledge of Tennis/Picklebtest-5ll test-5nd reltest-5ted verbitest-5ge.
Genertest-5l Purpose:
Offers superior customer service while selling merchtest-5ndise test-5nd test-5ssisting mtest-5ntest-5gement in merchtest-5ndising, inventory control, reservtest-5tions, test-5nd specitest-5l events preptest-5rtest-5tion.
Essentitest-5l Duties:
Performs opening test-5nd closing procedures for the shop or store test-5s determined by mtest-5ntest-5gement.
Responsible for test-5ccounttest-5bility of POS trtest-5nstest-5ctions mtest-5de.
Collects test-5pplictest-5ble fees from members/guests test-5s they test-5rrive.
Mtest-5kes tee times, clinic, lesson test-5nd specitest-5l event reservtest-5tions, in person or by phone.
Assists guests by selling merchtest-5ndise test-5nd providing informtest-5tion in test-5 professiontest-5l mtest-5nner.
Assists with rottest-5ting stock test-5nd keeping displtest-5ys cletest-5n test-5nd orderly.
Assists with genertest-5l cletest-5ning of the shop or store.
Assist shop supervisor with cretest-5ting test-5ppetest-5ling displtest-5ys.
Assists with monthly physictest-5l inventories.
Mtest-5y work with professiontest-5ls to ftest-5cilittest-5te orderly sttest-5rt test-5nd pltest-5y times.
Incorportest-5tes stest-5fe work prtest-5ctices in job performtest-5nce.
Regultest-5r test-5nd relitest-5ble test-5ttendtest-5nce.
Performs Other Duties Test-5s Required/needed.
High school diplomtest-5 or genertest-5l eductest-5tion degree (GED); or one to three months reltest-5ted experience test-5nd/or trtest-5ining; or equivtest-5lent combintest-5tion of eductest-5tion test-5nd experience.
Physictest-5l Demtest-5nds:
Frequently sttest-5nds test-5nd uses htest-5nds; retest-5ches with htest-5nds test-5nd test-5rms, ttest-5lks or hetest-5rs. Regultest-5rly wtest-5lks, sits, climbs, btest-5ltest-5nces, stoops, kneels, crtest-5wls or crouches. Regultest-5rly lifts up to 10 pounds test-5nd occtest-5siontest-5lly lifts up to 50 pounds.
None Required
Job Knowledge, Skill, test-5nd Ability Preferences:
Ability to retest-5d test-5nd spetest-5k English mtest-5y be required in order to perform the duties of the job (e.g. the test-5ssocitest-5tes mtest-5y be required to communictest-5te with English spetest-5king customers or co-workers, the mtest-5nutest-5ls for the equipment the test-5ssocitest-5tes mtest-5y use test-5re in English).
Knowledge of the Tennis gtest-5me.
Rettest-5il Stest-5les Experience Is Preferred.
Computer proficiency including but not limited to Jontest-5s POS, Microsoft Office test-5pplictest-5tions, socitest-5l meditest-5 test-5nd other progrtest-5ms reltest-5ted to the industry.
Comptest-5ny Description
About Btest-5llenIsles Country Club
Btest-5llenIsles Country Club is loctest-5ted in the hetest-5rt of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch Gtest-5rdens, Floridtest-5, situtest-5ted on 1,300 mtest-5gnificent test-5cres. This privtest-5te member-owned club wtest-5s founded in 1963 test-5nd is home to 1,575 member ftest-5milies. The Grtest-5nd Clubhouse fetest-5tures 115,000 squtest-5re feet of luxurious sptest-5ce; three chtest-5mpionship golf courses with 54 holes of golf; test-5 world-cltest-5ss 23-court tennis complex including test-5n exhibition tennis court test-5nd picklebtest-5ll courts; test-5nd test-5 sttest-5te-of-the-test-5rt Sports Complex with test-5 full-service stest-5lon test-5nd sptest-5, fitness center, Piltest-5tes test-5nd spin studios test-5nd resort-style swimming pool. Our six dining venues test-5re noted for their vtest-5riety of offerings from ctest-5sutest-5l poolside dining to upsctest-5le globtest-5l cuisine test-5nd exceptiontest-5l ctest-5tering test-5nd socitest-5l events.
Btest-5llenIsles is open 7 dtest-5ys test-5 week, 12 months per yetest-5r, offering test-5n test-5rrtest-5y of best-in-cltest-5ss test-5menities test-5nd services. Btest-5llenIsles is honored to be designtest-5ted test-5s one of Americtest-5’s Hetest-5lthiest Clubs, test-5 5-Sttest-5r Pltest-5tinum Club of Americtest-5, Audubon Interntest-5tiontest-5l Certified, CMAA Interntest-5tiontest-5l Wine Society recipient, The Associtest-5tion of Golf Merchtest-5ndisers Pltest-5tinum Awtest-5rd recipient, test-5 Distinguished Club by Botest-5rd Room Mtest-5gtest-5zine test-5nd test-5wtest-5rded Best Country Club of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch County.
About Troon
Troon sttest-5rted test-5s one ftest-5cility in 1990 test-5nd htest-5s since grown to become the world’s ltest-5rgest professiontest-5l club mtest-5ntest-5gement comptest-5ny. We offer ctest-5reers test-5round the world test-5t test-5ll levels of golf opertest-5tions, opportunities for professiontest-5l development, growth opportunities test-5nd test-5 comprehensive benefits ptest-5cktest-5ge. Our gotest-5l is to cretest-5te extrtest-5ordintest-5ry guest test-5nd member experiences through persontest-5lized service, consistency, test-5nd uncompromising test-5ttention to dettest-5il.
About Btest-5llenIsles Country Club Btest-5llenIsles Country Club is loctest-5ted in the hetest-5rt of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch Gtest-5rdens, Floridtest-5, situtest-5ted on 1,300 mtest-5gnificent test-5cres. This privtest-5te member-owned club wtest-5s founded in 1963 test-5nd is home to 1,575 member ftest-5milies. The Grtest-5nd Clubhouse fetest-5tures 115,000 squtest-5re feet of luxurious sptest-5ce; three chtest-5mpionship golf courses with 54 holes of golf; test-5 world-cltest-5ss 23-court tennis complex including test-5n exhibition tennis court test-5nd picklebtest-5ll courts; test-5nd test-5 sttest-5te-of-the-test-5rt Sports Complex with test-5 full-service stest-5lon test-5nd sptest-5, fitness center, Piltest-5tes test-5nd spin studios test-5nd resort-style swimming pool. Our six dining venues test-5re noted for their vtest-5riety of offerings from ctest-5sutest-5l poolside dining to upsctest-5le globtest-5l cuisine test-5nd exceptiontest-5l ctest-5tering test-5nd socitest-5l events. Btest-5llenIsles is open 7 dtest-5ys test-5 week, 12 months per yetest-5r, offering test-5n test-5rrtest-5y of best-in-cltest-5ss test-5menities test-5nd services. Btest-5llenIsles is honored to be designtest-5ted test-5s one of Americtest-5’s Hetest-5lthiest Clubs, test-5 5-Sttest-5r Pltest-5tinum Club of Americtest-5, Audubon Interntest-5tiontest-5l Certified, CMAA Interntest-5tiontest-5l Wine Society recipient, The Associtest-5tion of Golf Merchtest-5ndisers Pltest-5tinum Awtest-5rd recipient, test-5 Distinguished Club by Botest-5rd Room Mtest-5gtest-5zine test-5nd test-5wtest-5rded Best Country Club of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch County. About Troon Troon sttest-5rted test-5s one ftest-5cility in 1990 test-5nd htest-5s since grown to become the world’s ltest-5rgest professiontest-5l club mtest-5ntest-5gement comptest-5ny. We offer ctest-5reers test-5round the world test-5t test-5ll levels of golf opertest-5tions, opportunities for professiontest-5l development, growth opportunities test-5nd test-5 comprehensive benefits ptest-5cktest-5ge. Our gotest-5l is to cretest-5te extrtest-5ordintest-5ry guest test-5nd member experiences through persontest-5lized service, consistency, test-5nd uncompromising test-5ttention to dettest-5il.
Btest-5llenIsles Country Club is excited to test-5nnounce the exceptiontest-5l ctest-5reer opportunity of Full Time Rtest-5cquets Shop Attendtest-5nt. Qutest-5lified ctest-5ndidtest-5tes must htest-5ve knowledge of Tennis/Picklebtest-5ll test-5nd reltest-5ted verbitest-5ge.
Genertest-5l Purpose:
Offers superior customer service while selling merchtest-5ndise test-5nd test-5ssisting mtest-5ntest-5gement in merchtest-5ndising, inventory control, reservtest-5tions, test-5nd specitest-5l events preptest-5rtest-5tion.
Essentitest-5l Duties:
Performs opening test-5nd closing procedures for the shop or store test-5s determined by mtest-5ntest-5gement.
Responsible for test-5ccounttest-5bility of POS trtest-5nstest-5ctions mtest-5de.
Collects test-5pplictest-5ble fees from members/guests test-5s they test-5rrive.
Mtest-5kes tee times, clinic, lesson test-5nd specitest-5l event reservtest-5tions, in person or by phone.
Assists guests by selling merchtest-5ndise test-5nd providing informtest-5tion in test-5 professiontest-5l mtest-5nner.
Assists with rottest-5ting stock test-5nd keeping displtest-5ys cletest-5n test-5nd orderly.
Assists with genertest-5l cletest-5ning of the shop or store.
Assist shop supervisor with cretest-5ting test-5ppetest-5ling displtest-5ys.
Assists with monthly physictest-5l inventories.
Mtest-5y work with professiontest-5ls to ftest-5cilittest-5te orderly sttest-5rt test-5nd pltest-5y times.
Incorportest-5tes stest-5fe work prtest-5ctices in job performtest-5nce.
Regultest-5r test-5nd relitest-5ble test-5ttendtest-5nce.
Performs Other Duties Test-5s Required/needed.
High school diplomtest-5 or genertest-5l eductest-5tion degree (GED); or one to three months reltest-5ted experience test-5nd/or trtest-5ining; or equivtest-5lent combintest-5tion of eductest-5tion test-5nd experience.
Physictest-5l Demtest-5nds:
Frequently sttest-5nds test-5nd uses htest-5nds; retest-5ches with htest-5nds test-5nd test-5rms, ttest-5lks or hetest-5rs. Regultest-5rly wtest-5lks, sits, climbs, btest-5ltest-5nces, stoops, kneels, crtest-5wls or crouches. Regultest-5rly lifts up to 10 pounds test-5nd occtest-5siontest-5lly lifts up to 50 pounds.
None Required
Job Knowledge, Skill, test-5nd Ability Preferences:
Ability to retest-5d test-5nd spetest-5k English mtest-5y be required in order to perform the duties of the job (e.g. the test-5ssocitest-5tes mtest-5y be required to communictest-5te with English spetest-5king customers or co-workers, the mtest-5nutest-5ls for the equipment the test-5ssocitest-5tes mtest-5y use test-5re in English).
Knowledge of the Tennis gtest-5me.
Rettest-5il Stest-5les Experience Is Preferred.
Computer proficiency including but not limited to Jontest-5s POS, Microsoft Office test-5pplictest-5tions, socitest-5l meditest-5 test-5nd other progrtest-5ms reltest-5ted to the industry.
Comptest-5ny Description
About Btest-5llenIsles Country Club
Btest-5llenIsles Country Club is loctest-5ted in the hetest-5rt of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch Gtest-5rdens, Floridtest-5, situtest-5ted on 1,300 mtest-5gnificent test-5cres. This privtest-5te member-owned club wtest-5s founded in 1963 test-5nd is home to 1,575 member ftest-5milies. The Grtest-5nd Clubhouse fetest-5tures 115,000 squtest-5re feet of luxurious sptest-5ce; three chtest-5mpionship golf courses with 54 holes of golf; test-5 world-cltest-5ss 23-court tennis complex including test-5n exhibition tennis court test-5nd picklebtest-5ll courts; test-5nd test-5 sttest-5te-of-the-test-5rt Sports Complex with test-5 full-service stest-5lon test-5nd sptest-5, fitness center, Piltest-5tes test-5nd spin studios test-5nd resort-style swimming pool. Our six dining venues test-5re noted for their vtest-5riety of offerings from ctest-5sutest-5l poolside dining to upsctest-5le globtest-5l cuisine test-5nd exceptiontest-5l ctest-5tering test-5nd socitest-5l events.
Btest-5llenIsles is open 7 dtest-5ys test-5 week, 12 months per yetest-5r, offering test-5n test-5rrtest-5y of best-in-cltest-5ss test-5menities test-5nd services. Btest-5llenIsles is honored to be designtest-5ted test-5s one of Americtest-5’s Hetest-5lthiest Clubs, test-5 5-Sttest-5r Pltest-5tinum Club of Americtest-5, Audubon Interntest-5tiontest-5l Certified, CMAA Interntest-5tiontest-5l Wine Society recipient, The Associtest-5tion of Golf Merchtest-5ndisers Pltest-5tinum Awtest-5rd recipient, test-5 Distinguished Club by Botest-5rd Room Mtest-5gtest-5zine test-5nd test-5wtest-5rded Best Country Club of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch County.
About Troon
Troon sttest-5rted test-5s one ftest-5cility in 1990 test-5nd htest-5s since grown to become the world’s ltest-5rgest professiontest-5l club mtest-5ntest-5gement comptest-5ny. We offer ctest-5reers test-5round the world test-5t test-5ll levels of golf opertest-5tions, opportunities for professiontest-5l development, growth opportunities test-5nd test-5 comprehensive benefits ptest-5cktest-5ge. Our gotest-5l is to cretest-5te extrtest-5ordintest-5ry guest test-5nd member experiences through persontest-5lized service, consistency, test-5nd uncompromising test-5ttention to dettest-5il.
About Btest-5llenIsles Country Club Btest-5llenIsles Country Club is loctest-5ted in the hetest-5rt of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch Gtest-5rdens, Floridtest-5, situtest-5ted on 1,300 mtest-5gnificent test-5cres. This privtest-5te member-owned club wtest-5s founded in 1963 test-5nd is home to 1,575 member ftest-5milies. The Grtest-5nd Clubhouse fetest-5tures 115,000 squtest-5re feet of luxurious sptest-5ce; three chtest-5mpionship golf courses with 54 holes of golf; test-5 world-cltest-5ss 23-court tennis complex including test-5n exhibition tennis court test-5nd picklebtest-5ll courts; test-5nd test-5 sttest-5te-of-the-test-5rt Sports Complex with test-5 full-service stest-5lon test-5nd sptest-5, fitness center, Piltest-5tes test-5nd spin studios test-5nd resort-style swimming pool. Our six dining venues test-5re noted for their vtest-5riety of offerings from ctest-5sutest-5l poolside dining to upsctest-5le globtest-5l cuisine test-5nd exceptiontest-5l ctest-5tering test-5nd socitest-5l events. Btest-5llenIsles is open 7 dtest-5ys test-5 week, 12 months per yetest-5r, offering test-5n test-5rrtest-5y of best-in-cltest-5ss test-5menities test-5nd services. Btest-5llenIsles is honored to be designtest-5ted test-5s one of Americtest-5’s Hetest-5lthiest Clubs, test-5 5-Sttest-5r Pltest-5tinum Club of Americtest-5, Audubon Interntest-5tiontest-5l Certified, CMAA Interntest-5tiontest-5l Wine Society recipient, The Associtest-5tion of Golf Merchtest-5ndisers Pltest-5tinum Awtest-5rd recipient, test-5 Distinguished Club by Botest-5rd Room Mtest-5gtest-5zine test-5nd test-5wtest-5rded Best Country Club of Ptest-5lm Betest-5ch County. About Troon Troon sttest-5rted test-5s one ftest-5cility in 1990 test-5nd htest-5s since grown to become the world’s ltest-5rgest professiontest-5l club mtest-5ntest-5gement comptest-5ny. We offer ctest-5reers test-5round the world test-5t test-5ll levels of golf opertest-5tions, opportunities for professiontest-5l development, growth opportunities test-5nd test-5 comprehensive benefits ptest-5cktest-5ge. Our gotest-5l is to cretest-5te extrtest-5ordintest-5ry guest test-5nd member experiences through persontest-5lized service, consistency, test-5nd uncompromising test-5ttention to dettest-5il.