What are the responsibilities and job description for the Employment & Training Program General Application position at Central Council Tlingit Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska?
Ready. Set. Work!
Are you searching for employment or job re-training opportunities? Tlingit & Haidas Employment &Training Department is here to help!
Services Provided:
Job Placement & Training
Work Experience
Evergreen Workforce Development
Job Placement & Training
Email: jpt@tlingitandhaida.gov Phone: 907.463.7333
Offers training assistance to eligible applicants who lack specific training or
certification to be considered for employment or to retain employment. Clients
are provided assessments that pertain to their career path. Training Services also
supports job placement and work activities (on-the-job training), including
apprenticeship programs.
Youth Employment & Internships
Email: yesandinternships@tlingitandhaida.gov Phone: 907.463.7916
Assists eligible tribal youth (1424) in obtaining summer employment and
internships, and provides training through job & life skills workshops. This
program provides the a variety of Job & Life Skills Workshops which cover: job
hunting tips, professional resume building and more.
Work Experience
Email: we@tlingitandhaida.gov Phone: 907.463.7136
Offers training assistance to eligible tribal citizens to gain skills while working on
the job. The program provides educational, training and employment
opportunities to prepare tribal citizens in securing meaningful employment and
maintaining a healthy lifestyle independent of program services.
Evergreen Workforce Development
Email: we@tlingitandhaida.gov Phone: 907.463.7136
Offers specific training assistance, through work experience for tribal citizens 55
years and older. Eligible Tribal Citizens will have an opportunity to get back into
the workforce by receiving work readiness, soft skills, and employment within
various departments for potential entry level job placement