Essential Functions | % of Time | - Conduct Crime Research and Analysis: Conduct research, analysis, and interpretation of results, criminological methods: property crime, violent crime, drug abuse, domestic violence, gang violence, and mental health and criminal justice. Apply current data-driven philosophies of crime and intelligence analysis, including community-oriented policing, problem-oriented policing, and intelligence-led policing as needed using specialized software. Analyze and predict future crime using analyses of crime and intelligence data. Prepare data for regular meetings using the national Compstat model and coordinate with patrol and investigative personnel to review crime patterns. Create and disseminate bulletins to police and community stakeholders. Inform officers and command staff about recent arrests and relevant criminal intelligence patterns. Post and share relevant crime notices via intranet. Assist with periodic reports, presentations for community, City Council, and neighborhood associations. Prepare tactical, strategic, and operational reports; deliver briefings and presentations on analytic results.
| 30% | - Conduct Specialized Analyses: Conduct specialized analyses using technical software packages. Use geographic information systems (GIS) to map incident locations spatially and temporally, and indicate hot spots of criminal activity. Prepare maps and statistics as requested for investigative initiatives, directed patrols, and maps for neighborhood meetings. Analyze traffic and accident data, using heat maps and data driven approaches to make recommendations to supervisors. Understands link analysis software, social media analysis, and communications analytics.
| 25% | - Produce Crime Reports: Retrieve and process crime data to produce accurate statistics. Use SQL reporting to extract data from CAD and records management systems to analyze current crime patterns, extrapolate emerging trends, and communicate detailed reports. Maintain the integrity of the analytics systems by updating and troubleshooting crime types and potential problems with software and users. Analyze longitudinal data reported using different methods, to include National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System (SCIBRS), Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Utilize data for analysis from a variety of sources, most frequently to include Greenville County RMS, dispatch system (CAD), and statewide Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) data systems.
| 20% | - Respond to Requests for information: Respond to statistical requests received by the Chief’s Office, Command Staff, and the Public Information Officer for reports on crimes, locations, Clery requests, and contribute to answering FOIA requests. Handle spatial and offender-based requests for additional information from patrol and investigations personnel in a timely manner. Conduct offender research for investigations to determine patterns of similar cases.
| 15% | - Training and Development: Participate in continuing education and training by seeking appropriate opportunities to learn or develop.
| 10% |