What are the responsibilities and job description for the Police Officer position at City of Jonesboro AR?
Application Procedure
Notice - please read the following excerpt from our policy concerning visible tattoos: "Maintaining a 'neutral image' may encompass any number of general appearance issues as determined by the Chief of Police. Currently, facial hair other than a mustache, unusual visible piercing and hair styles or colors that would be considered 'shocking' to the general public will not be permitted."
For general information on Arkansas regulations for law enforcement officers, please go to the Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training website at http://www.clest.org. Civilian employee job openings for the police department are advertised through the Human Resource department at City Hall. Job applications for civilian openings may be obtained from the city Human Resource department.
- To apply, fill out the form in its entirety.
- Upon receipt of a candidate's application a thorough background investigation commences. This investigation will continue throughout the testing process.
- The physical test is a way to test speed, strength, and agility. The test will be explained to all applicants prior to the start of the test along with a short demonstration video along with a live demonstration by an officer. The physical test must be completed in the specified time of two minutes and six seconds (2:06). The applicant will be allowed a second opportunity to pass the physical test in the allotted time. Applicants are encouraged to train via cardio and strength exercises in preparation for the test.
- The next stage is a video based exam that tests candidates' abilities in situational judgment and human relations as well as reading and writing skills. For an explanation of the test, click FrontLine National Background Information for Candidates. A practice test is available at www.ergopracticetests.com.
- After the video based exam will be the polygraph test. For candidates that pass the polygraph test, the next step will be an interview conducted by a board consisting of Jonesboro Police Department officers.
- After the interview, a hire list will be generated that will be good for one year. Once a candidate is given a conditional offer of employment, they must pass a psychological evaluation, physical examination, and a drug screen.
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Be at least 21 years of age within six months of the test date;
- No felony convictions;
- No convictions barring the possession of a firearm;
- Possess high school diploma or GED;
- Hold a valid driver's license;
- Be of good character as established by a detailed background investigation;
- Have acceptable vision (uncorrected visual acuity must not exceed 20/100 in either eye, correctable to 20/20 or better in each eye);
- Possess normal hearing and be free of any hearing defect which, in the opinion of the physician administering the required post-offer physical examination, could adversely affect performance of duty; and
- Successfully complete a physical agility test and post-offer psychological and physical examination, including a post-offer of employment drug test.
- See CLEST Minimum Standards and CLEST Physical Exam Standards for more information.
- Excellent health, dental, vision, life and disability insurance offerings
- Three weeks of vacation per year with accrual of up to six weeks
- Four weeks of sick time per year with accrual of up to 18 weeks
- Up to three days bereavement leave upon the death of a family member
- Pension with participation in the Local Police and Fire (LOPFI) Retirement System
- Uniforms, firearms, and equipment provided
- Take home vehicle provided after satisfactory completion of basic and field training (must meet residency requirement)
Notice - please read the following excerpt from our policy concerning visible tattoos: "Maintaining a 'neutral image' may encompass any number of general appearance issues as determined by the Chief of Police. Currently, facial hair other than a mustache, unusual visible piercing and hair styles or colors that would be considered 'shocking' to the general public will not be permitted."
For general information on Arkansas regulations for law enforcement officers, please go to the Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training website at http://www.clest.org. Civilian employee job openings for the police department are advertised through the Human Resource department at City Hall. Job applications for civilian openings may be obtained from the city Human Resource department.