What are the responsibilities and job description for the Admissions Coordinator - Pharmacy position at Duquesne University?
Admissions Coordinator - Pharmacy
Salary : Commensurate with experience
Benefits : Generousbenefits include paid time off including holidays and vacation, retirementmatch, and tuition remission for employee and dependents. Details at www.duq.edu / benefits
Location : School of Pharmacy
Position Status : Full-time
Hours : 8 : 30 a.m. to 4 : 30 p.m.
Position Number : 000469 / 30-435
FLSA Status : Non-exempt
The Admissions Coordinator is an advancedadministrative position that supports the Assistant Dean of EnrollmentManagement and Retention (ADEMR) within the School of Pharmacy. Work involvesresponsibility for serving as the main contact person for admissions within theSchool of Pharmacy along with assisting with recruiting events. Workassignments are received with only broad statements of objectives and areperformed under general supervision. This position requires extensive contact with students, staff, faculty,parents and the public. Work is done with considerable independence withinestablished policies and guidelines and reviewed by superiors through reports,conferences, and observation of results. The position reports to the AssistantDean of Enrollment Management and Retention.
Admissions Responsibilities
Serves as the primary representative to make "first contact" inthe admission cycle, including email, telephone and text to all applications.
Point person within the admissions process that follows up withall applicants regarding what they still need to submit for their application,where they are in the process, timelines, etc.
Manages and conducts continual follow-up with applicants andstudents with applications started but not submitted.
Manages the admissions tracking spreadsheet and Slate databasesystem and updates both in a timely fashion simultaneously.
Uploads Transcripts into Slate and manually enters GPA intoindividual student record in Slate.
Advises applicants (Undergraduate, Graduate, Transfer, Online) ofprerequisites and other admission requirements such as grade averages and otherrelevant information.
Evaluates transcripts and credentials during the admission processand communicates closely with applicants regarding their application status,their particular competitiveness and program selectivity.
Enters all recruitment lead cards into Slate database system.
Works closely with the ADEMR to select qualified applicants forinterviews.
Coordinates, schedules, oversees and manages interviews withcandidates, Assistant Dean, faculty and constituents.
Tracks candidates using Admissions Rubric through Excel.
Makes recommendations for candidates to ADEMR to select qualifiedapplicants for interviews.
Sanitizes Transcripts, Test Scores, Personal Statements, Essaysand Recommendation letters to be presented to the Admissions Committee whennecessary.
Assists the ADEMR with tabulating and tracking admissions data andmetrics.
Prepares monthly report of applicant pipeline to be presented atEMG graduate meetings and any other meetings deemed necessary by the ADEMR.
Supports the Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions Counselorwith inquiries from the undergraduate population including all high schoolinquires and when deemed necessary by the ADEMR, transfer inquiries.Communicates any prior interactions before handing over undergraduate studentand parent to Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions Counselor.
Prepares Marketing Materials for ADEMR and URAC for recruitmentevents including filling out marketing folders with appropriate marketing promoitems to be distributed to appropriate student demographic (Freshmen, Transferand Online Graduate Student).
Manages the entire process of distribution of marketing materialssent to the accepted students population (ex. Acceptance Boxes).
Completes file scanning for applicants and maintains electronicfiles for prospective students.
Performs otherrelated job duties as assigned by the Assistant Dean ofEnrollment Management and Retention.
Provides budget support and oversight of recruitment budget.
Manages Procurement Card accounts for the Assistant Dean ofEnrollment Management and Retention.
Supports the ADEMR and the Undergraduate Recruitment andAdmissions Counselor with RBE's.
Responsibilitiesto the Office of the Dean
Provides reports in the format requested, including but notlimited to financial, budgets, enrollment stats as requested, technologyinventory, provides information for the school annual reports (webform &excel spreadsheet), etc.
Provides constant updates and maintains accuracy including but notlimited to the department's section of the school's intranet; the schoolwebsite (by submitting updates to the Marketing Manager); and the department'sannual calendar.
Provides timely, accurate and approved (per the policy) schedules,timesheets, Kronos submissions and / or leave requests.
Provides support to your designated back up person and administrativestaff members.
Provide any additional support as requested.
Completes otherduties as assigned.
Minimum qualifications :
An Associate's degree from an accreditedinstitution required in Student Personnel, Counseling, or another relatedfield.
The successful candidate will have 3 years of experience in higher education admissions.
Preferredqualifications :
Bachelor's degree (B.A. or B.S.) from an accredited institution is preferred,in Student Personnel, Counseling, or another related field.
5 years preferred in higher educationadmissions preferred.
Alternately, thesuccessful candidate may possess any equivalent combination of experience andtraining, which provides the knowledge, skills and abilities required toperform the essential job functions. This includes, but is not limited to, thefollowing :
Possesses excellent oral and writtencommunication skills
Possesses also have excellentorganizational and interpersonal skills
Candidate possesses time managementskills and will be detail oriented and will be highly proficient in usingMicrosoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) and experience using student databases such as Sunguard Banner Systems, Slate etc., is highly desired, alongwith an ability and willingness to learn new technologies relevant to theposition.
Able and willing to work in a complex,fast-paced structure
Possesses and maintains a high energylevel, enthusiasm, and a positive approach to work, an excellent rapport withpeople, a commitment to customer service, and to the educational development ofstudents.
Commitment to theUniversity's values of diversity, equity and inclusion, and recognition of theimportance of treating each individual with dignity and respect consistent withthe University's Mission. Demonstratedexperience with, and understanding of, the broad diversity of the Universitycommunity (students, faculty, staff and others).
Ability toestablish and maintain effective working relationships with the UniversityCommunity.
Ability and willingness to contribute actively to the mission of the Universityand to respect the Spiritan Catholic identity of Duquesne University. Themission is implemented through a commitment to academic excellence, a spirit ofservice, moral and spiritual values, sensitivity to world concerns, and anecumenical campus community.
Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, resume, and contact informationfor three professional references.
Catholic in its mission and ecumenical in spirit, Duquesne University valuesequality of opportunity as an educational institution and as an employer. Weaspire to attract and sustain a diverse faculty and staff that reflectscontemporary society, serves our academic goals and enriches our campuscommunity. We particularly encourage applications from members ofunderrepresented groups and support dual-career couples through our chartermembership in thisregion's HERC (http : / / www.hercjobs.org / oh-western-pa-wv / ).
We invite applicants for this position to learn more about our university andits Spiritan heritage byvisiting http : / / www.duq.edu / about / mission-and-identity / mission-statement.Those invited to campus for an interview may be asked about ways in which theysee their talents contributing to the continued growth of our community andfurthering its mission.
Duquesne University was founded in 1878 by its sponsoring religious community,the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. Duquesne University is Catholic inmission and ecumenical in spirit. Motivated by its Catholic identity,Duquesne values equality of opportunity both as an educational institution andas an employer.