What are the responsibilities and job description for the Medical Education Specialist - College of Osteopathic Medicine position at Duquesne University?
Medical Education Specialist - College of Osteopathic Medicine
Salary : Commensurate with experience
Benefits : Generousbenefits include paid time off including holidays and vacation, retirementmatch, and tuition remission for employee and dependents. Details at www.duq.edu / benefits
Location : College of Osteopathic Medicine
Position Status : Full-time
Hours : Varied
Position Number : 447606 / 10-1019
FLSA Status : Exempt
The Medical EducationSpecialist will assist the Office of Medical Education in the delivery of thefirst and second year curriculum. The position will be essential to the smoothoperation of the curriculum and will be responsible for the administration ofassessments, course grading, as well as the posting of materials. The positionwill require significant interaction with students, staff and faculty, and anamicable professional demeanor is essential. The position reports to theDirector of Medical Education.
The Medical Education Specialist is responsible for assistingin the daily operations of the Office of Medical Education. This individual's primary duties includecompiling and formatting all classroom exams, administering and grading exams,maintaining and calculating grades, posting of all teaching materials, takingattendance, setting up course and faculty evaluations and updating curriculummaps. Please note that at the completionof the MS 1 year, you may be required to migrate with the same class into the MS2 year, to provide continuity of support for our students.
Compiles, organizes, and manages all teaching and testing materials for themedical student class including : updating curriculum maps; posting teachingmaterials and assigning courses and other educational modules on Canvas;compiling, formatting, and administering / proctoring all classroom exams andquizzes; maintaining a secure testing environment; calculating and maintaininggrades in all classroom and laboratory courses; administering and organizingpost-course evaluations.
Preparesand supports the lecture halls for daily curricular activities; manage therecording and posting of lectures taking place in the lecture hall on Canvas;maintain class attendance records and contribute to the excused absenceprocess.
Assistswith the organization and maintenance of Office of Medical Education files andrecords.
Alongwith the Director of Medical Education, represent DUQCOM's Medical Educationdepartment at designated DUQCOM meetings, on-campus meetings, and programevents as appropriate.
Underthe leadership of the Director of Medical Education, support faculty and staffneeds with respect to curricular development and delivery; assist withdevelopment and organization of programs that will be implemented at the DUQCOMwhich celebrate and recognize cultural diversity and foster a sense ofbelonging for all members of the DUQCOM community.
Assistswith implementation of student events such as open houses, accepted studentdays, orientations, white coat ceremonies, graduations, and other events; workcollaboratively with members of Duquesne University departments to participatein university open houses and events.
Complete other duties as assigned
Minimum qualifications :
Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution isrequired, preferably in a life science or STEM-related field.
Preferred qualifications :
Prior experience working in the healthcare field, medical education field, orother student-facing positions is preferred.
Alternately,the successful candidate may possess any equivalent combination of experienceand training, which provides the knowledge, skills and abilities required toperform the essential job functions. This includes, but is not limited to, thefollowing :
Willingness and ability to utilize new technologiesrelevant to the position.
Knowledge of, or the abilityto learn internal University systems.
Experience and training in ahigher education environment, with knowledge, skills, and abilities required toperform the essential job functions. This includes but is not limited todemonstrated proficiency with current Microsoft Office Suite : Word, Excel,PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher as well as Outlook e-mail.
Must be mobile and have theability to lift up to 25 pounds.
Commitment to the University's values of diversity, equity and inclusion, andrecognition of the importance of treating each individual with dignity andrespect consistent with the University's Mission. Demonstrated experience with, andunderstanding of, the broad diversity of the University community (students,faculty, staff and others).
Ability toestablish and maintain effective working relationships with the UniversityCommunity.
Ability and willingness to contribute actively to the mission of the Universityand to respect the Spiritan Catholic identity of Duquesne University. Themission is implemented through a commitment to academic excellence, a spirit ofservice, moral and spiritual values, sensitivity to world concerns, and anecumenical campus community.
Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, resume, and contact informationfor three professional references.
Catholic in its mission and ecumenical in spirit, Duquesne University valuesequality of opportunity as an educational institution and as an employer. Weaspire to attract and sustain a diverse faculty and staff that reflectscontemporary society, serves our academic goals and enriches our campuscommunity. We particularly encourage applications from members ofunderrepresented groups and support dual-career couples through our chartermembership in thisregion's HERC (http : / / www.hercjobs.org / oh-western-pa-wv / ).
We invite applicants for this position to learn more about our university andits Spiritan heritage byvisiting http : / / www.duq.edu / about / mission-and-identity / mission-statement.Those invited to campus for an interview may be asked about ways in which theysee their talents contributing to the continued growth of our community andfurthering its mission.
Duquesne University was founded in 1878 by its sponsoring religious community,the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. Duquesne University is Catholic inmission and ecumenical in spirit. Motivated by its Catholic identity,Duquesne values equality of opportunity both as an educational institution andas an employer.