What are the responsibilities and job description for the Pool Manager position at FirstService Residential?
- Hours: 11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. on Fridays and Sundays. Saturdays hours are from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM due to Hotdog Saturday activities. (half-hour lunch from 2:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M.) Lunch period can be taken on site or off site.
- Attire: Male: Shorts (appropriate for entering water, if and when necessary) or swim suit and pool manager shirt (provided by Association)
Female: Shorts (appropriate for entering water, if and when necessary) or swim suit (one piece swim suit only) and pool manager shirt (provided by Association)
- No reading (unless job related) and no superfluous use of cell phones for personal calls/texting permitted while working
- Arrive at gatehouse to secure pool manager's keys from gatehouse attendant
- Unlock southeast perimeter gate
- Unlock outer doors to men's and women's locker rooms
- Open indoor pool structure roof and sliding doors as weather conditions dictate (retract roof system no more than two feet)
- Go into indoor pool pump room and look around equipment and on floor for evidence of leakage. Also, make note if you hear any type of alarm going off in the room. If an alarm is sounding, notify management or gatehouse immediately.
Initial Pool Facilities Care
- Set up pool manager's station at specified location (make sure following are available at station: first aid kit, pool manager's station sign, writing implements, copies of pool rules (make sure they are being handed out to residents), and copy of resident directory.
- Perform tests for free chlorine (DPD-1) and pH (Phenol red) in indoor pool, spa and outdoor pool at 11:00 A.M., 1:00 P.M., 3:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. and record test results and other requested info in the logbook(s). Please write clearly as this is an official record. (Tests will not be conducted in the event of a
thunderstorm and a notation will be entered into the log to reflect same.)
- Wipe down and reset furniture as needed. Any broken furniture should be removed from the pool area and a notation should be made in the logbook regarding it.
- Inspect pool area and remove any garbage or debris from grounds.
- Ensure that outdoor pool float line is in place for children's hours (12:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily).
- Vacuum and/or skim pool(s) if conditions warrant same. We pride ourselves on clean and sanitary conditions.
Monitoring Pool Patrons and Activities
- Monitor pool patrons as they arrive. Some individuals who look too young to be residents actually do live here. If you are uncertain about their status, ask name and address and check to see if the name appears on the resident directory. A young adult resident family member's name will appear in
parenthesis with an asterisk in front of it.
- All guests must be accompanied by a homeowner or resident at all times. If the homeowner or resident does not arrive with the guest(s), the guest(s) may not enter the facility. If the homeowner or resident leaves the facility, the guest(s) must depart with them.
- Monitor pool patron activities in and around the pool. Ensure that there are no glass containers or bottles of any kind in the pool area. There is to be no smoking inside the clubhouse building or inside the fenced pool area. There is to be no “headfirst” diving and no excessive horseplay (see pool rules for additional details.
Monitoring of Weather Conditions
- Always have an idea of the day's forecast and keep an eye and an ear to the sky. The entire pool facility (in and out) is to be cleared upon hearing thunder or seeing lightning. The pool facility is to remain clear of patrons and closed for up to one half hour after the last sound of thunder or siting of lightning has occurred. If winds begin to gust or it is suspected that a storm is eminent, umbrellas should be lowered and the upper portions removed and secured in a horizontal position on a tabletop or chair. There may be instances where a storm comes up very quickly and there will not be enough time to safely take these precautions.
Pre-Departure Activities and Preparations
- The trash bags in the trash containers around the outdoor pool should be removed prior to the end of each day's shift. Wear gloves when handling trash. Tie and place the trash in designated location. Do not drag bags on the ground. If the bags are too heavy to carry, use a hand truck. Put into place and secure fresh bags in the trash cans with bungie cords.
- Umbrellas should be lowered at those tables at which no one is present prior to your departure. Pool patrons who are remaining after your departure should be asked to lower the umbrella at the table they are using.
- Pool “noodles” that have not been put back in the cart by patrons should be gathered and returned to cart. The cart should be returned to the indoor pool room for the overnight.
- Secure lock on southeast perimeter gate
- Close or adjust indoor pool structure roof and sliding doors prior to departure as weather conditions dictate
- Return keys to gatehouse attendant prior to leaving the community for the