What are the responsibilities and job description for the Long Term Substitute: Social Studies Teacher position at Magnificat High School?
Long Term Subs�tute star�ng March 19, 2025 and tenta�vely ending
May 2, 2025
This role exists to support and implement the Mission of Magnificat High School. The teacher is responsible for the daily holis�c
growth of the students in her/his classes. She/he par�cipates in the total life of the school community and collaborates with
faculty and staff to provide an op�mal holis�c learning environment for the students.
Reports to: Dean of Faculty and Academics and Social Studies Department Chairperson
Posi�on Summary:
Mission: Teaches and acts in a manner consistent with the mission and teachings of the Catholic Church, the Mission and
- Works to build a respec�ul, inclusive, and collabora�ve community with students, colleagues, parents/families, and
- Respects the racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic diversity of all students.
- Collaborates with department members and other faculty to develop curriculum and instruc�onal prac�ces in
alignment with school Mission, Values, and goals.
- Knowledge, experience, and ability to teach all levels of high school Social Studies.
- Uses strategies responsive to the needs, abili�es, interests, and learning differences of individual students.
- Prepares unit and lesson plans that integrate school academic and Catholic Iden�ty goals, Catholic Social Teaching, and
- Incorporates a variety of modes of teaching, learning, and assessing.
- Integrates Facing History and Ourselves’ pedagogy, teaching strategies, and/or curricular resources.
- Promotes and encourages ac�ve student engagement
- Uses forma�ve assessment data to inform instruc�on.
- Works collabora�vely with tutors and interven�on specialists as needed and appropriate.
- Provides ongoing and meaningful feedback to students about their individual progress.
- Regularly evaluates and reflects on lessons and units for strengths, successes, and need for revision based on student
- Ac�vely contributes to department and team planning, curriculum development, and implementa�on.
- Demonstrates competence at conduc�ng online and/or blended learning classes using Google Meet and/or another
- Manages teaching and learning through Google Classroom.
- Assumes responsibility for specific departmental ac�vi�es as delegated by the department chair.
- Responds appropriately and within one working day to communica�on from parents, students, administra�on, and
- Models lifelong learning by par�cipa�ng in professional growth ac�vi�es and demonstrates the use of current best
- Develops cultural competency through increased awareness of one’s own iden�ty, culture, and biases.
- Meets with the Dean of Faculty and Academics or her designee regarding Individual Performance Goal development
- Develops and fulfills an Individual Professional Development Plan which aligns with the school Mission and the goals
- Prac�ces standards of professional e�que�e in language, a�re, and a�en�on in the classroom and in all other
professional ac�vi�es.
Posi�on qualifica�ons:
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Appropriate state license.
- Preferred minimum of 1 year of demonstrated successful teaching experience in the discipline.
- Must have teaching experience at the high school level.
- Superior interpersonal and organiza�onal skills.
- Excep�onal wri�en and verbal communica�on skills.
- Strong presenta�on skills.
- Ability and commitment to work collabora�vely as a member of the Magnificat community and Social Studies
- Understands student learning and adolescent development; knows and understands content area as well as
- Openness to growth and feedback
Quali�es: Strong belief in, and respect for, the Mission of Magnificat High School and the School’s Values: Humility, Lifelong
- Must ac�vely support the school’s Mission and belief statements in rela�onships with students, parents, faculty, staff,
- Commitment to the holis�c educa�on of young women.
To Apply:
Submit cover le�er, resume, and copies of transcripts, copy of license to:
Angela Vasiloff
Human Resources and Opera�ons Manager
Magnificat High School
20770 Hilliard Boulevard
Rocky River, OH 44116
Magnificat High School is commi�ed to crea�ng a diverse workforce and is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified
applicants will be considered for employment. For applicants with disabili�es: in order to ensure reasonable
accommoda�on for individuals protected under Title 1 of the Americans with Disabili�es Act of 1990 (as amended)
applicants that require accommoda�on with the applica�on process may contact the Human Resources at 440-331-1572.