What are the responsibilities and job description for the High School Secretary/Bookkeeper position at Searcy School District?
POSITION TITLE: High School Secretary/Bookkeeper
REPORTS TO: High School Principal
- Performs normal office routines as necessary for a productive school office.
- Receives and routes telepone calls and messages for administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Mades appropriate response to requests for information.
- Greets visitors and/or patrons, determines their needs, assists in making appointments with administrators and/or faculty, and directs to proper place and person. Strives to create a pleasant "open-door" office atmosphere for faculty members, students, parents and the public.
- Types and files reports and correspondence for principal and assistant principal as necessary.
- Records and maintains attendance records of all students.
- Daily scan class attendance roster for each teacher each period of the day. Print report of that period's absences for assistant principal and, working closely with him, make corrections or additions as necessary.
- End of the day routine inculdes conding all absences as school activities, excused, unexcused, truancy, etc. on computer, printing final copy of all absences for that day and transferring information to permanent computer file and backup.
- Prepares report of students with 6 and 12 absences in one or more classes then types and mails (with approval of assistant principal) notification to parents of those students.
- Prints class roster scan sheets for each teacher by period every two weeks.
- At nine weeks intervals prepare report of total absences and tardies for each student for all teachers for each of their classes.
- Quarterly and annually collect and total absence information on all students for all grades. Prepare report and forward to appropriate personnel. Prepare drop-our report.
- Maintains a complete systematic set of bookkeeping records for activity accounts and bank accounts.
- Receive monies from all club/class sponsors. Count all money and confirm count to sponsor then write receipts. Organize and make deposits to bank as necessary on timely basis.
- Receive invoces. Obtain appropriate approval of payment from sponsor and principal. Write checks on timely schedule as required by vendors and club sponsors.
- Make transfers from investment account to checking account as necessary to insure best use of both accounts.
- Records checks and deposits in check book to appropriate sub-account ledgers and journals. Balance each activity account to bank balance. Reconcile cancelled checks with bank statement and verify bank balance with statement.
- Prepares monthly reconciliation statements for each activity account and distributes to each sponsor. Make adjustments or transfers as directed. Prepares and forwards monthly summary statement to central office for presentation to Board.
- Organizes, processes, and records all purchase orders for all departments to assist principal in maintaing operating budget.
- Prepares purchase orders for principal's office supplies and equipment. Codes, numbers, and recordss all departments' purchase orders, notifies departments of approval and places orders upon arrival.
- Develops and maintains records of purchase orders seeking approval, those open and awaiting shipment, and those closed and invoiced. Prepares statement on regular (monthly, quarterly) basis for department heads and principal to report status of expenditures against budget.
- Receives and process invoices by making purchase orders with invoices, determining which invoices are ready for payment, and forwarding to central office for payment, keeping appropriate copies.
- Maintains permanent file of closed purchase orders for easy access and reference.
- Makes free and reduced lunch applications available to students. Reviews completed applications and makes free/reduced determinations. Updates list of free/reduced students for food service department and verifies percentage of all applications.
- Keeps inventory of teacher supplies and places orders as needed or requested by principal.
- Assists assistant principal in preparing textbook orders and keeps records and balances of free textbook money.
- Organizes and maintains financial records for summer school, including in-district and out-of-district fees perstudent and class size/payroll records for teachers.
- Distributes U.S. and inter-school mail as necessary.
- Stays literate in constatly changing computer software systems (databse, spreadsheet applications, etc.) so as to make the most of equipment available and increase accuracy, effectiveness, and productivity.
- Performs bookkeeping tasks associated with special events, such as registration, plays, homecoming, and graduation, and any other tasks as assigned by the principal.
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