What are the responsibilities and job description for the Coordinator & Instructor or Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor, Hydrographic Science position at The University of Southern Mississippi?
The Division of Marine Science (DMS) in theSchool of Ocean Science and Engineering (SOSE) at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) invites qualified applicants for a full-time position overseeing thehydrographic science programs. The successful candidate will serve as Program Coordinatorand Instructor or Assistant / Associate Teaching Professor if they hold aterminal (PhD) degree. The preferable start date is Fall 2025. Salary packages are nationally competitive and willbe commensurate with experience.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities
- The successful candidate willbe responsible for coordinating, executing, and continuously developingcomprehensive academic programs in hydrography that meet InternationalHydrographic Organization (IHO)standards. This includes working closely with US Navy partners for the joint MSprogram and collaborating with faculty members delivering the undergraduate andgraduate programs.
- The undergraduate (Category-BIHO certified) program is a four-year curriculum leading to bachelor's degreein hydrography. The graduate (Category-A IHO certified) program is an intensivecurriculum with significant classroom coursework, field exercises, and a capstoneproject. Expectations for external coordination include annual reportingto the Internal Bureau on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyorsand Nautical Cartographers (IBSC), resubmission of the Category-A andCategory-B programs to the IBSC for recertification every 6 years, annualfinancial reporting to the IHO on the capacity building efforts, coordination of the educational partnershipagreement with the Navy, and providing annual program assessments to theuniversity.
- The candidate is expected topursue grant funding to enhance program capabilities, such as acquiring newhydrographic surveying equipment, and may participate in research activitieswith the HydrographicScience Research Center. However, the primary focus of thisposition is program coordination and teaching.
Additional Information
USMoffers an exceptional environment for a successful career in marine sciencewith tremendous strength in collaboration across science, engineering,education and outreach. A regionally, nationally, and internationallyrecognized leader in marine science, SOSE comprises two academic divisions(Marine Science and Coastal Science). The university operates several R&Dcenters along the Gulf Coast, and several research vessels. SOSE also offers undergraduate degree programs in Marine Science, OceanEngineering, and Marine Biology which are delivered at the USM Gulf CoastCampus in Long Beach, MS as well as at USM’s main campus in Hattiesburg, MS.The Long Beach campus is near the Port of Gulfport, which is the home port forUSM’s R / V Point Sur. The Port of Gulfport also features the Marine ResearchCenter, which has a state-of-the-art fabrication lab, testing tank, andlaboratory space. Gulfport is also the site of the Roger F. Wicker Center forOcean Enterprise and the future home port of a new 199-ft UNOLS Regional ClassResearch Vessel (R / V Gilbert R. Mason).
TheDMS offers graduate programs (MS and PhD) in hydrographic science as well as intraditional marine science emphasis areas in biological, physical, chemical andgeological oceanography. The DMS graduate programs are delivered at the NASAStennis Space Center, where Marine Science faculty benefit from close workingrelationships with a number of on-site federal agencies, including the NavalResearch Laboratory-Stennis Space Center, the Naval Oceanographic Office, theNaval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, and NOAA’s National Data BuoyCenter and National Centers for Environmental Information.
SOSE also offers undergraduate degreeprograms in Marine Science, Ocean Engineering and Marine Biology which aredelivered at the USM Gulf Coast Campus in Long Beach, MS as well as at USM’smain campus in Hattiesburg, MS. The Long Beach campus is near the Port ofGulfport, which is the home port for USM’s R / V Point Sur. The Port of Gulfportalso features the Marine Research Center, which has a state-of-the-artfabrication lab, testing tank, and laboratory space. Gulfport is also the siteof the Roger F. Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise and the future home port ofa new 199-ft UNOLS Regional Class Research Vessel (R / V Gilbert R. Mason).
Minimum Qualifications Applicantsmust hold an degree in hydrography, oceanography, or a related field froman accredited college or university, along with at least five years of professionalhydrographic surveying experience. The successful candidate will also berequired to pass a NASA background security check in order to workat Stennis Space Center, and a USM employment background check.
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
Preferred Qualifications
Preferencewill be given to candidates with a demonstrated record of teaching excellence,grant development, course development, student-centered support, academicservice, effective communication, leadership, and management experience. Candidateswith significant leadership and management experience in hydrography or relatedfields are strongly encouraged to apply.