What are the responsibilities and job description for the Tier III Volunteer position at VARIOUS?
Tier III Volunteer - Volunteer that will be chaperoning on an overnight fieldtrip with students from Chandler Unified School District.
Field Trip Volunteer Guidelines
Thank You for Your Support!
At Chandler Unified School District, we believe that field trips provide a valuable educational experience for students. Field trips increase student knowledge and understanding of a subject and add realism to the topic of study. Without the help of volunteer chaperones, most field trips would not be possible.
Thank you very much for giving your time and support to these important activities. In order to help ensure that school-sponsored field trips result in safe and rewarding experiences for all participants, we have prepared these guidelines to provide information about volunteering as a field trip chaperone.
Becoming a Field Trip Volunteer
Because student safety is our paramount concern, all volunteers must have successfully completed and submitted an electronic Tier III Volunteer application and have been recommended by the school site to the Human Resources department. A background check link will then be provided by the district Human Resources department for overnight field trips prior to the trip. Tier III background checks can take several weeks to process, so for overnight field trips, this information needs to be completed in a timely manner. Those attending day trips need to complete the Tier I & Tier II form at least three days prior to the field trip.
Guidelines for Volunteers
Prior to the field trip, the classroom teacher or trip coordinator will provide you with information regarding the activities planned for the trip, expectations for supervising students, and emergency procedures. In addition, the following general guidelines will help you effectively perform your duties as a chaperone. If you have questions regarding these guidelines, please talk to the teacher or principal.
- All school rules apply on school sponsored field trips. Chaperones are expected to comply withschool policies, follow the directions given by the coordinating teacher, work cooperatively withother volunteers and school staff members, and model appropriate behaviors for students. The chaperone will follow the trip plan developed by the teacher. Field trip volunteers must have their photo I.D. at all times.
- Chandler Unified School District is a tobacco and drug free campus, so be sure to leave any of these items at home. If you forget, they must remain in the car, but by law it should not be on school grounds or with you on field trips. Since field trips are a school function there is no smoking on field trips. Chaperones may not administer any medications, prescription or nonprescription, to students.
- Students must be supervised at all times while at a school sponsored event. As a chaperone, you will supervise a small group of students, helping them learn and making sure they behave appropriately. Students must stay with you, their chaperone, at all times. Go over use of the buddy system with students under your care. Account for all participants regularly and before changing activities. Be sure you know when and where to meet the rest of your group at the end of the visit. Chaperones must be readily available, be mindful of safety concerns, and respond to students’ needs.
- Please turn your cell phone off or put it on vibrate while on a field trip. The phone distracts the students and if you are talking on the phone you may lose track of the students you are assigned to.
- Student behavior is your responsibility. School rules related to student behavior apply. Go over rules and standards of behavior, safety rules, and any site specific rules with students. Ensure that students do not get involved in any extra activities not pre-approved by the teacher. While you are responsible for student behavior, it is the responsibility of the teacher to discipline a student.
- Eating and drinking are not permitted outside of designated areas and predetermined times.
- Please do not use improper language while with the children.
- You may need to ride the bus to and from the field trip site. Please note that you must remain at the field trip site and with the group (i.e. you are not allowed take them across the street to McDonald’s for ice cream.)
- Field trips are for educational purposes. For the following reasons it is not wise to take the students into snack shops, gift shops or on rides unless these sites have been pre-approved.
- You may not be aware of any food allergies some of the students might have.
- You do not want any problems with theft or damages.
- You may not know what each parent might allow in relation to purchasing things.
- Students should not have money. Any money needed would have been collected prior to the trip
- For the protection of both the student and the chaperone, chaperones should not place themselves in situations in which they are alone with a student. When taking students to the rest room stay together.
- Monitor boys and girls as they go in and out.
- If restrooms are too far apart, take one group and have the other group wait. Then take the other group.
- Please be advised that you are not allowed to have younger siblings on field trips while you are volunteering with us. Volunteers must be 18 years or older.
- Be sure you know what to do in an emergency (medical emergency, natural emergency, lost child, serious breach of rule, etc.) Know who is first aid trained, where the first aid kit is, and where your cell phone is located. Keep the cell phone contact number of the teacher and other chaperones available.
- Please follow the directions of the docents and guides even if other groups do not.
- Ask before you take pictures/video of the group.
- We have some students who are not allowed to have their picture/video taken.
- Ask the teacher.
- If you have one student in the group who does not have a media release, think of a creative way to get around it without causing the student to feel bad. The older ones understand it is the younger ones who do not. Take a picture, show them, and then delete it, or crop them out.
Touching Students: Factors to consider
Every parent knows that children benefit from gentle touches and hugs. Unfortunately, innocent gestures can be misinterpreted as inappropriate touching, excessive force, or even abuse. Touching children at school increases the risk that school employees will face these types of accusations. School employees must decide whether to touch and how to touch students. These are important decisions.
Here are some factors to consider:
Preschool through third grade:
Hugs and gentle touches are common during these grades, but are risky – especially for male teachers. Some teachers never initiate hugs and do not permit student–initiated hugs. Others permit student–initiated hugs only in plain sight of other adults and students. If children initiate a hug, try to position yourself so that the hug is “side-to-side.” Some teachers accept student–initiated hugs, but suggest to the children that they should ask first. (“Thanks for the hug, but please ask me next time. It is the polite thing to do.”) Other teachers occasionally initiate a hug, but make a verbal request first. (“You look sad. Do you want a hug?”) Accusations also occur when employees kiss students, help students use the bathroom, tuck in shirts, and take items out of pants pockets.
Middle grades (fourth through eighth grades):
Touching becomes less accepted and more risky. False accusations of improper touching are more frequent during grades four through eight, in part because some girls become preoccupied with their changing bodies and emerging sexuality. For example, girls may misinterpret an innocent touch on the shoulder as sexual in nature or accuse a teacher of “staring at my breasts.” Girls also can be very sensitive to innocent remarks about clothing and physical appearance. Accusations of improper touching also occur when teachers pat knees, put on their laps, snap bra straps, call students “pet” names, and discuss personal sexual information.
During junior high, some students become more aggressive. School employees should avoid using physical force for everyday disciplinary problems. During the rare instances when physical force is needed to prevent injury to students or employees, use the minimum force necessary to prevent harm and immediately call for help.
High school:
Very little touching is acceptable with this age group. Please note the problems listed above for middle grade students. In addition, school employees often get in trouble with this age group when they give gifts or loans to students and when they attempt to counsel troubled students about sexual or romantic matters.
Male employees are perceived as physical and sexual aggressors and face a greater risk of false abuse allegations. Male employees should review their behavior very carefully.
Some individuals and some cultures are uncomfortable with any sort of touching. Employees must be sensitive to these personal and cultural differences. If students indicate by word or action that they are not comfortable with touching, avoid all physical contact unless absolutely necessary for safety reasons. Previously abused children may be more likely to misinterpret a neutral touch as sexual or abusive.
Common Sense Suggestions for Avoiding False Abuse Accusations
School employees should use common sense to prevent false claims of abuse and inappropriate touching.
- Avoid being alone with a student of either sex. Risky situations include keeping a student in for recess, make-up tests, counseling, tutoring, and after school detention. Arrange to have the activity within sight of another adult. Avoid repeated one-to-one contact with an individual student. For example, instead of assigning one child to help clean up after class, ask two students.
- Avoid physical contact with students which could be misunderstood as sexual in nature. Whenever possible keep your own “personal space.” If younger students hug you, tell them that it is polite to ask permission first. Whenever possible, ask permission before touching a student. Develop a repertoire for reinforcing student behavior and giving praise without touching students. Avoid lingering touches, such as shoulder massages. Avoid any touching except on the shoulders, back and arms. Even this may be risky, especially with girls in grades four through nine. Do not ask students to touch you or give you a back rub.
- Avoid using physical force to enforce discipline. Use verbal commands and other disciplinary methods. Avoid grabbing students to move them in a particular direction or touching them to get their attention. On rare occasions, a school employee must use physical force in self-defense or briefly restrain a student to prevent injury to the student or others. Use the minimum force necessary to prevent harm, and immediately call for help. Ask your district for special training if you work with students who require frequent touching or restraints.
- Avoid sending written communications to students, giving gifts to students, or socializing with students in situations which could be misconstrued as personal or romantic. Do not invite students to your home or the movies, unless it is a group activity with other adults present. If you reward students with a special out-of-school activity, notify an administrator and the parents in writing well in advance. Do not have students baby-sit for you and do not visit them while they baby-sit.
- Avoid off the cuff comments with suggestive or double entendre overtones. Teasing or comments on a student’s physical appearance may be unwelcome. Students may report your remarks in ways that distort your meaning.
- Do not be drawn into discussions of sexually explicit topics, such as tasteless jokes or suggestive song lyrics. Discourage such conversations in your presence.
- If a student confides in you regarding a personal topic of a sexual nature, either invite another adult to join the conversation or report the conversation in writing to the school counselor immediately.
- Avoid transporting students in your personal vehicle. Being alone in a car with a student exposes you to accusations of misconduct in a situation where it is your word against the student’s word. In addition, you may be liable for an accident.
- Avoid any romantic contact with current or former students, even if the students are over 18 years old.
Overview of Pertinent Policies and Procedures
As it relates to the integrity of interaction with students, volunteers must meet the same expectations as employees.
Staff Ethics and Conduct
Employees are expected to uphold high standards and treat employees, students, parents, and community members with respect and courtesy. Employees should be role models to students which include their dress and language. Language that may be offensive to others should be avoided. Dress should be in accordance with the dress code and appropriate to the position duties.
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
Employees may not be in the possession of, or under the influence of, drugs or alcohol in the workplace which includes school property, school vehicles or any school-sponsored activities.
Tobacco Free Workplace
Employees may not smoke or use tobacco on any school grounds including in school vehicles or in private vehicle on school property.
Employees are prohibited from harassing other employees, parents, or students with language or conduct that is sexual in nature or offensive based upon race, color, gender, national origin, religious beliefs, or disabilities. An employee who believes h/she has been harassed should report the incident immediately. Any employee who personally observes or receives a complaint of sexual harassment between students shall promptly report the behavior to the school principal. (See attached Policy ACA and ACAB)
Staff-Student Relationships
At no time may staff members engage in romantic relationships with students. Inappropriate physical or sexual contact with students is grounds for discipline which may include dismissal and criminal action. Attached are suggestions for avoiding false accusations of inappropriate touching or contact with students.
Suspected Child Abuse
School employees are mandated to report suspected child abuse. Suspicions of abuse should not be investigated but forwarded to the school principal for action.
Confidential Student Records
Student information and records must be kept confidential and should be shared on a need to know basis only.
Student Discipline
Physical discipline (corporal punishment) is not allowed in any form for any offense. This includes any physical contact with students for disciplinary action. Threats of use of physical force is not justified in response to verbal abuse, however, a school employee who is responsible for supervising children may use appropriate physical force to the extent necessary for the safety of the employee and students.