Anticipated Dates : 01 / 02 / 2025-04 / 14 / 2025
Whitman-Hanson Regional School District
Job Description
Adjustment counselor
Reports to : Principal, Assistant Principal and / or Director of Counseling Services
Evaluators : Principal and / or Director of Counseling Services
- Holds appropriate Massachusetts DESE Licensure (School Counselor 5 - 12)
- Experience and / or demonstrated ability to meet the objectives and responsibilities of a professional school counselor
- Possess Master's Degree preferred
Professional Objectives :
Objective 1 : Academic / Technical Achievement : In order to improve student achievement and promote a commitment to lifelong learning for all students, school counselors will provide tiered interventions that :Encourage academic and technical rigor and the need to consistently challenge students to a high academic standard and ultimately inspire their internal education drive.Focus on the development of attitudes, knowledge, skills and experiences necessary for success in higher education, the workplace and other post-secondary options.Foster motivation, engagement and personalized learning by helping students connect their academics to future life and work experiencesObjective 2 : Workplace Readiness / Career Planning : To prepare all students to become successful adults and productive members of society, school counselors will provide tiered interventions that :Assist students in creating meaningful post-secondary plans and making informed decision to reach their goals.Focus on integrating academic / technical, personal / social, and employability competency development across all grade levels.Encourage student participation in multiple career development education activitiesObjective 3 : Personal and Social Development : To promote the positive personal and social development of all students within a safe learning environment, school counselors will provide tiered interventions that :Promote the acquisition of appropriate self-regulation skillsEncourage the development of interpersonal skills for positive social interactionsAssist student to understand and capitalize on personal strengths and demonstrate resiliency when faced with challenges.COUNSELING
Interviews each counselee as appropriate during each school year.2.Initiates meetings with students on the basis of known physical, intellectual, social, emotional, or behavioral concerns.
3.Monitors the academic, social, and behavioral progress of counselees.
4.Designs and implements counseling activities for students to promote an understanding of their aptitudes, capabilities, and limitations.
5.Helps students to make personal decisions, educational plans, and occupational career choices.
6.Uses all available and appropriate resources in meeting student-counseling needs.
7.Provides special entrance-counseling to students who enter the school as transfers from other schools.
Provides follow-up regarding decisions and previously made plans.9.Provides informational and counseling assistance to parents and former students as requested.
Helps students plan and select an appropriate program of studies consistent with known goals and abilities, and with school policies and requirements.Identifies potential learning, behavioral, and emotional concerns in students, and makes an appropriate recommendation for intervention and / or a referral.Participates in special needs Team meetings dealing with assigned counselees when appropriate.Acquaints students with procedures for finding, getting, and holding a job.Provides specific post-secondary planning counseling opportunities and programs for all interested students.Provides follow-up to students after referral for assistance through other school or community agencies.PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION
Plans and coordinates specific programs and functions as directed by the immediate supervisor.Writes recommendation and prepares necessary application materials for students seeking post-secondary educationUpon official request, transmits student and graduate information efficiently and accurately to post-secondary education institutions and vocational high schoolsMeets with representatives of business, schools, colleges, and the armed forces to keep abreast of their offerings, needs, and requirements.Participates on special crisis and / or intervention teams established within the school.Participates with faculty and administrators in the development and review of the school's curriculum and instructional program.Annually reviews the Program of Studies and makes recommendations for changes relative to course offerings, prerequisites, credits, sequencing, and eligibility.RECORDS
Oversees the maintenance for complete and accurate records concerning each student, and provides statistical data as required.Oversees the maintenance of files and information in a manner so as to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the information, and so as to assure ready access by authorized personnel.Studies, analyzes, and interprets the data recorded in student records so as to ensure their completeness, and so as to employ their use effectively when required.TESTING AND STUDENT ASSESSMENT
1 . Assists with the administration of standardized testing as requested.
Interprets the results and significance of test results to students, parents, and staff as required.RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNICATIONS
Assists in the location of outside referral agencies that may be needed to help a studentMaintains effective contact with outside agencies that service our students and their parents : the courts, probation officers, welfare workers, private counselors, etc.As necessary, meets with teachers, administrators, parents, and specialists to discuss the problems and progress of individual students.Involves the teacher in conferences or SPED Team meetings with the student and parents when appropriate.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
1.Attends professional events and conferences as permitted or directed.Keeps abreast of new developments in the field of school counseling.Incorporates constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement in performance made by supervisor(s).Adheres to a professional code of conduct and respects and maintains student confidentiality