Young Life requires all employees to sign a Statement of Faith. We recommend you read this statement before applying for any position.
Mission & Authority
To directly oversee the operations of several departments which provide mission services and facilitate effective functioning of the entire operations segment of Young Life.
Area Developer I
Summary :
Through spiritual leadership and good management, implement the necessary actions to start a new area / ministry to carry out Young Life's mission of introducing kids to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
Ministry Functions :
Spiritual Development - "Following Jesus" includes prayer and spiritual disciplines, fellowship, growth and health and church relationships.
- Maintain a genuine and sincere commitment to understanding God's Word and the disciplines of personal and corporate prayer.
- Seek out and maintain relationships and disciplines, in the context of active participation in a church community, that lead to a vibrant spiritual life.
- Actively participate in the spiritual life of the Young Life community.
- Lead teams and individuals in spiritual development.
- Develop a yearly personal growth plan that fosters a vibrant spiritual life including time for solitude, retreat, reflection, prayer and Scripture reading.
- Ensure that all Young Life ministries in developing areas are designed and carried out with a dependence on prayer that takes place out of the overflow of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Leadership Development - "Equipping leaders, committee and staff" includes key volunteer care, recruiting, team building and training, supervision and vision casting.
Work with the regional director and other staff to develop a regional team that gives leadership to long-term sustainable growth in developing areas.Recruit, train and supervise the personnel necessary to carry out the plan (committee, staff and / or volunteers).Designate a person to lead the initiative, establish relationship and chain of authority with RD and build a team with other staff and committee veterans.Identify need for staffing, will the area need full or part-time support.Cast vision to new areas for providing quality summer staff, work crew and adult guests for summer camps.Resource Development - "Fueling the ministry" includes events, major donor care, public relations (branding) and TDS team.
Begin to develop relationships with critical constituencies in the area in the geography being developed.Gather contacts and leads through networking and alumni and friends to identify donors and supporters to help start new ministries.Ensure a TDS plan, which includes a vision statement, field development tool (FDT), priority prospect list, strategy and financial master plan, is implemented and regularly reviewed per ministry.Ensure that adequate financial support is raised to fund ministry expenses.Continue to be attentive to personal fund raising to supplement other sources of revenue as needed.Ensure that all Young Life financial policies and procedures are implemented.Define who will pay for new ministries, personal, regional, area or combination.Direct Ministry - "Proclaiming and modeling" includes contact work, club, Campaigners and camp.
Develop a healthy Young Life ministry in developing areas utilizing proven Young Life methods.Be willing to serve for approximately one month on a summer assignment at a Young Life camp, other Young Life camp or in another position as directed.Develop and implement ongoing plans to maximize Gospel proclamation through camping opportunities.Ministry Support - "Taking care of business" includes accounting, administration, communication (internal), data management and strategic plan.
Know and uphold all Young Life policies and procedures and maintain professionalism concerning office hours, dress, conduct and time management.Manage finances with stewardship, accountability and transparency using the mission-wide applications.Define and map out a geography of current ministry and God is calling you to grow the ministry.Design a plan using small town tools to chart the course, defining the essentials, top 10 and jumpstarts.Consult with others who have begun similar startups and staff involved in the start-up of new ministries.With humility and boldness, communicate intended growth plans to the region, areas and leadership teams.Develop and manage a start-up plan for ministry in developing areas that account for local ownership, incarnational leadership and professional supervision.Accept both short and long-term assignments, such as task forces, writing or speaking assignments and leading regional events.Education :
College degree preferred.Qualifications Required for the Job :
Experience and a successful record starting Young Life in new areas.Must have completed Core Training - Phase One.Proven relational skills with both kids and adults.Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills.Ability to maintain confidentiality.Has a pioneering spirit and is driven to cast vision and pull resources together to start the next ministry and reach the next kid.Job Specific Working Conditions :